all grown up (2)

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At the age of fourteen, you begin to finally blossom into a beautiful young woman, filling out from a thin twig so that people actually thought your mom maybe starved you. Unfortunately, the bullying only gets worse.  You have had to move several times since turning eight.  

Twice was mysterious trouble, in nature and so disconcerting, that your mom refused to talk about it.  It was people having gotten mauled. Perhaps maul is too light a word.  Chumming would better describe how badly torn apart the bodies were. The law could never figure out why a bear would attack or how it had the strength to do somuch damage, in such a short period of time. Several classmates of yours were on that boat, which took place on the local lake.  

There were no survivors of course.

Then a couple of your ‘bullies’ ended up extremely pale, having suffered a mysterious illness that caused all of their blood to be missing. The coroner was baffled but your mother didn't seem surprised.  Scared but not surprised.  

The two male students had tried to get you somewhere secretive and planned to rape you.  The town people thought you or your mom killed them but none one could figure out how you did it. he teenage boys were found in a home, with start of art security and in a lock gated community. 

 •It seems only shadow or mist could have gotten in...

 Finally you met a big black dog, at your last place. He was overly friendly and deathly protective of you.  The big, shaggy beast was with you everywhere.  He waited for you after school even.  You thought nothing of it since reading stories about Black Shuck and Moddey dhoo.  That's even why, when multiple red eyes blinking at you, didn't bother you.  A fae can appear as they wish.  The big, lack dog always appeared, mostly normal, around town folk.  You just didn't seem to see a reason to question it's presence.

Then one warm, spring day, your mom saw you walking with the dog.  She immediately called you to her side and ordered you to pack the truck.  You were not to speak or say goodbye to your four legged friend.  The dog stood at the edge of your property and growled at the sight of your mother, everytime she came outside.  That night you rused away from your home, leaving what wouldn't fit in the truck, behind.

• She was mumbling something about six red eyes is all wrong, not a fae…

Sixteen brought you to Oregon and another school.  You lived in the mountains and by now were quite capable of living off the land.  Ever since your first dream of the demon king, your mom had been training you hard, in bare handed fighting.  It's not a true reconized martial art as it doesn't have a recognized name like Crane or Tiger. It doesn’t have dojos or teaching schools.  Your mom called it  ‘Sassaba’. The tribal word means "The Wolf" so the martial art is the Way of the Wolf.

You first learn to strengthen your body with exercise such as running and playing like young wolves do.  This included eventually surviving and hunting, with primitive weapons not just  modern ones. A  basic set of moves were learned. To grapple, grasp and break bone or rip muscle attached to joints.  It was a study of weak spots strength did have to be the sole factor.  Even how to bite...

 The final step of the training led to impromptu weapons and off balance objects.  How the leg of a boken chair or ordinary metal water sprinkler could be a deadly thrown weapon.  Anything in your hand should  become your deadly tools of killing, should the need ever arise.

It was here also that your mom began introducing you to some other teenagers, your age  and several were young men your age or a little older.  There were nights at the nearby lake with boys in one area and girls in another area.  Lucan and Brn, twin brothers, took an interest in you immediately.  The weird part was there wasn’t an ounce of jealousy between them, as if they were willing to share you.

Then a bizarre and tragic event happened when you turned seventeen.  The twins asked to spend a Friday night, with you, at their uncle’s cabin and your mother quickly approved of it.  This struck you odd but you shrugged your shoulders. The twins were only six months older so now law breaking to be had.

•You wouldn't have fathomed the events that would truly unfold.

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