consumating the love(9)

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Alucard lands on the spot where you once laid down on the grass. The night has cooled and your scent clings to the park grass. His long, pale fingers run across to capture your scent. He lifts them to his nose and takes a large inhale. The hellfire orbs pinprick then go completely dilated. The Vampire King's head swivels to the east,near Liverpool. Unholy King has visited some locations, in the past, to Liverpool.

His longer fingers gesture a portal as his appearance changes to his youthful look with the straight jacket. He wears it to create a horror factor, as he does appear quite mad in this chosen form. Humans just don't know he's mad as a hatter all the time and twice as smart. Well...eccentric but an exceptional tactician and a brilliant analysis of other minds.

That mutt Algon, lead Alpha, has taken you. If he thinks, he can hide you away from the Shadow King, the pack is greatly mistaken! First thing when he gets you back?

Lick that terrible werepup smell off you...

Algon senses Alucard instantly and rumbles out a warning. "You are not welcome here Vampire King..."


"Whether I am welcome or not, you have taken my mate. Did you expect me not to come looking for them?" Alucard chuckles but it's far from funny. He flashes his fangs.

Algon doesn't miss the gesture. The whole pack now faces the most powerful Vampire and begins to do intimidation tactics. The Alpha paces a few steps, "You take one of our last Sanguinarius lunas then let them suffer a first heat. Then you mock them with rejection? I didn't think you were even capable of such cruelty, King of blood sucking monsters..."

"Oh get over your holier than thou..." Alucard mocks him.

"You feel nothing at the fact they are dying?" Algon raises his eyebrows. "You hunted them, in blood letting fever dreams but now when your potential mate needs you the most, you leave her to die...if that is not the king of monsters then I do not know what is, anymore."

"What are you carrying on about, mutt?" Alucard is growing impatient.

"(Y/n) is dying and there isn't anyone in heaven or on earth who can reverse the process... except you."

"What the fuck are you talking about? There are two of the three bonds..." Alucard scoffs at Algon.

'Yes but you rejected (Y/n)..." Algon folds his arms in front of him.

"I did no such thing. There has been a miscommunication. I thought it was (Y/n) that rejected me. I was going to finish consummating then let (Y/n) then let them choose their life. Take lovers, bear pups..."

"Hmm, that's not a Sanguinarius. Once they accept the person, they must be with them. If a Sanguinarius even suspects rejection they go off to die. Once they do a mourning howl, the clock starts...let her die in peace. We will mourn and bury the last of their line, forever."

"Werewolves are so melodramatic and stupid," the Vampire King growls.

"(Y/n) is not stupid, she's not even twenty and never even knew what they were until now," Algon. "For whatever reason, they never remembered any of their changes and because her mother trained (Y/n) so well, (Y/n) never lost control and never killed anyone. Perhaps the reason, she doesn't remember, is because you tampered with their mind? You are to blame for everything since (Y/n) was eight?"

The Vampire King lets a long sigh out. He was so focused on catching you, he forgot about the blood-singer aspect. Wolf is his animal call but that far away?

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