fleeing the fight(4)

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You stealth out the back of the bed & breakfast

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You stealth out the back of the bed & breakfast. For whatever reason, you have always had especially good night vision. Scientists say it's a genetic adaptation that some humans are born with more rods. What your eyes didn't expect to see is the mammoth blonde and mostly crazy Priest fighting a raven colored long haired man, dressed in a long red coat and cackling like he was totally crazy.

Where the hell do these people come from?

They make the Appalachian Mountain residents, who are hiding out, look mild and civilized. Did you miss a family reunion with the Hatfield's and McCoys?

Fuck this shit!

You were high tailing it out of this large Irish village. You were quietly strolling, nonchalantly out of town though you wondered why there isn't a crowd out, with all the ruckus, from jr. Hatfield and sr. rival McCoy. Then the wet, juicy sounds of flesh being mauled has you turning your head rapidly. Your eyes go big and your mouth opens wide.

The pungent smell of blood smacks you in the nose. Your mouth begins to water, seeing the chucks of the man in red, laying on the ground. If one looked into your eyes, they would have been dark and blown out with hunger. Your skin feels like it's crawling and trying to come off your body. All of these sensations are new to you.

What the fuck is the matter with you?

Now your eyes pin prick. How the hell is the man in red reassembled?

No! Nobody or nothing does that!

Your body freezes and your blood runs cold, seeing the man in red's blood flow back into his body. A dark laugh rumbles forth for the black maned man. You have heard that laugh before. It's the same one in your nightmares. You would know that laugh anywhere...

Then vibrant hellfire eyes capture yours, in a stare, in which time seems to come to a stand still. Those eyes are even more frightening than you remember.

Perhaps it is because they are real and they belong to a real person?

No being? Monster, yes a monster.


"Mama a avut dreptate tot acest timp, esti strigoi (mother was right all this time, you are strigoi)!" you yelp out.

Alucard can't help but turn to you, though Anderson continues to assault the vampire. "Excellent little pup! You have grown so big, haven't you?"

The Shadow King growls annoyed with Paladin Anderson. "Can't you take a one minute break while I converse with the young lady?"

"No, no don't mind me Father. Proceed with his execution!" you yell out loudly.

"Little one, still attempting to resist, are we?" his voice becomes low and deep.

"I'm not listening to you!" you huff. "This is me leaving!"

Your friend Kian, lent you his rundown motorcycle, for emergencies and if this isn't an emergency you weren't sure what the real definition would be. The god awful sound of you kick starting the bike, grates on Alucard's nerves. Anderson is evermore on his nerves as he keeps Alucard from capturing you. Father Anderson is in real big trouble, if you get away. He's not even supposed to be in Ireland.

Anderson Breaking the Goddamn treaty again!

You get the bike started and zoom past the ensuing battle between mortal enemies, who never seem to get this battle resolved, into a winner and a loser. Well you getting away, is a form of losing to the Vampire King. He didn't even get to do formal introductions, but he is most pleased to see how you have grown into a beautiful mate and even spoke to him in his mother's tongue. You were always a good student, even in your dreams.

He doesn't see them as nightmares....

When the morning comes, you find yourself at a ferry. It's not to Scotland as sadly you were not in Northern Ireland. It's going to take you to England. This is not what you had planned but it's away from the demon king-strigoi thing and the crazy priest. You haven't been to England yet and it wasn't London but Liverpool, so that was not a foreseeable problem in your book.

One pair of well worn Doc martens and a faded leather bomber jacket that belong to your dad with a day pack, meant you were ready for the day. You settle with seeing the British Music Experience museum but a nagging feeling digs at the back of your head. You still feel 'off' with yourself as if your body and brain are separate from each other. Everything seems to smell more vibrant today.

Perhaps you just need to eat?

You find a pub that serves fish and chips with a pint. The pub is fairly busy and you feel safe until the TV gets turned on, to a new report about a gas leak, causing people to become sick and hallucinate.

Why does it always have to be gas leaks or swamp gas?

Images of the poor village, you fled from, looks like a war was fought in it. You secretly wish that Father Anderson killed your demon king but you know deep down that is not the case. You know even now he's not even a demon. At least a demon you had a chance to exercise it, maybe.

The next stop was the World Museum and you felt a surge go through your body as you climbed the stone stairs. You spent hours in the museum, sitting and pondering exhibits. At one point you visit the gift shop and find a thick, leather bound book on Eygptian gods and goddesses. The gift shop attendant looks surprised and mumbles something, about didn't even knowing the museum sold this book. It was even on sale and a steal for the price of the leather, as the book cover.

Late in the afternoon, you catch an older man, a staff member eyeing you. He didn't seem to think you were trouble but needed protecting. Finally you headed for the doors when, what you think was the male employee, bumped into you and slid a beaded mala into your hand.

"Welcome Sanguinarius," was all he said.

His scent was intriguing. The man's hair is brown and pulled into a half bun. His eyes vivid green with flecks of gold in them. You wished to speak with him but he was gone in the crowd, getting ready to close for the day. You didn't look at the 'gift' until well out the doors. You brought the 'mala' to look at it. It has a fine metal piece hanging down,of a head of a jackal or something like that. It was an Egyptian deity Wepwawet and it had hieroglyphs on the back.

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