talk dirty in romanian style!(5.5)

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❎ Completely Vulgar
💢Hysterically funny!
🤦How can you top:

"to put the bone into the soup"

Let's talk dirty in romanian style!
Romanian version
Facand un studiu al limbii noastre dulci si suave ajuns la o anumita sectiune ... si acea fiind INJURATURILE
care ne dovedesc a nu stiu acta oara delicatetea acestei limbi si a oamenilor care o intrebuinteaza .

Romanul, ca romanul se pricepe la a injura nu e de mirare ca atunci cand avem straini in tara
primele cuvinte pe care acestia le invata sunt injuraturi (care sunt desigur adresate la propria lor persoana, ca doar romanul
pe langa iscusinta in a insulta e si foarte smecher)
Pentru a evita aceste escrocherii lipsite de "bun simt" va rugam sa sa urmariti in continuare cu atentie
un ghid de injuraturi pentru strainii cunoscatori de limba engleza.
P.S.Inainte de a citi aveti grija sa nu 'bagati magarul in beci'
traducerea acestei locutiuni verbale putand fi gasita mai jos si credeti-ne...not a good idea!

English Translation
Doing a study of our sweet and gentle language ... we came to a certain section ... and that is the CURSES

that prove to us that we do not know this time the delicacy of this language and of the people who use it.

The Romanian, that the Romanian is good at swearing is not surprising that when we have foreigners in the country the
first words they learn are swearing (which are of course addressed to their own person, that only the Romanian
besides the skill in insulting is very clever)

To avoid these scams lacking "common sense" please continue to follow carefully
a swearing guide for foreigners who know English.

PSBefore reading, be careful not to 'put the donkey in the cellar'
the translation of this verbal phrase can be found below and believe us ... not a good idea

• a da în geantă: to have sexual intercourse (literally "to hit the purse")

• a băga mielu' la căldură: to have sexual intercourse (literally "to take the lamb somewhere warm")

• a băga lemnul in sobă: to have sexual intercourse (literally "to put the wood into the fireplace")

• a băga osul in ciorbă: to have sexual intercourse (literally "to put the bone into the soup

• a da la magazia cu damf: to make anal sex (literally "to hit the reeked storeroom")

• a manca salam bărbos cu curul: to make anal sex (literally "to eat bearded salami with the ass")

• a impinge căcatul la roabă: to make anal sex (literally "to push the shit in the wheelbarrow")

• a da la nutella: to make anal sex (literally "to hit the nutella"; nutella is the name of a chocolate cream product)

• a băga măgarul în beci: (literally "put the donkey in the basement) - synonym with a da la buci in other words to have sexual intercourse

• a deschide viitoru: - synonym with a dezvirgina in other words to have sexual intercourse with a virgin woman, simmilar

• a mânca salam de sibiu cu capul viu:- literally "to eat sibiu salami with the head alive"---sibiu is a town// Meaning "blow job"

• a da ca-n oala cu sarmale:- literally "to hit like in the sarmale pot"-sarmale is a traditionally food

• a lua porcul la trântă: (literally "wrestle with the pig") -means "you should play a little with my dick"

• a băga milogu-n traistă:-means to have sexual intercource(literally to put the poor man in the bag)

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