battle for freedom (6)

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You don't care if people notice or not.  You need to find the 'high ground' in this situation.  It's dark enough there are no real witnesses to your extraordinary burst of speed.  Then your ears hear the sound of a dart gun over and over for the count of three times.  One hits your backpack, another your leather and the third hits bare flesh, your right hand. You can feel your body hit the ground and roll for a moment. The last you remember, is the sudden blackout before, a three day fever usually hits you.


"Alucard, got her on the third one…"Pip reports, lighting a cigarette.  

He might have been a little premature on both his report and cigarette.  The French mercenary watches an over six foot tall, black as night shaded female Werewolf,  rise up ten feet from his position.  He doesn't have time to get a better look as the female Werewolf as she is  leveling a Blackfoot longbow at him.

The Captain dives for the ground having felt the arrow drag along his neck.  It's bleeding versus perforated.  This leaves the Wild Geese with a quandary:  they are supposed to subdue you, not kill you.  Using firearms is deadly force so not a practical option  You continue on the offensive and fire one more arrow then leap high into the air.  With your speed and agility you place the bow over and around your shoulder as the quiver is already fixed to her hip.  The war club hangs on the other side of the quiver to balance the weapons outs.

Alucard is in rapture at the mere sight of you. You can not possibly be anything other than an Alpha Sanguinarius  shifter.  That is what his occult knowledge considers you.  The hybrid wolf form contains adornments with the change.  You have long hair like a human with metal beads in your hair and braids.  Rings adorn your fingers and arms while a band is on your tail.  You don’t get this ability from even a born Werewolf.

Your now golden eyes hold a knowledge of the ages and a commanding presence.  You are not some brute but a mind of cunning and intelligence behind those gorgeous eyes.  The Vampire King knows you are going to remove the threat of the Wild Geese.  The question is: are you going to use lethal force?

Your feet touch down only to reposition them for another leap.  Hands swipe out and feet kick between steps and leaps.  The hand guns are thrown in all directions with the sound of bullets being removed at an incredible rate, with finally an over the head toss, of the empty clips.  Just when a mercenary gets a head up your feet are making the head go back down.  This is what you have trained all of our life. 

 This is Sassaba: the Way of the Wolf.

With one last kick and grab, you seize the tranquiller rifle and rip the bolt action out of it so it can’t fire any more tranquiller darts

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With one last kick and grab, you seize the tranquiller rifle and rip the bolt action out of it so it can’t fire any more tranquiller darts.  With a spin and leap away from the mercenaries, you notice  the strigoi king is just standing arrogantly there  and merely watching you with greedy, lustful eyes.

Why has he not stepped in yet? 

The hunt, he wants to

Fuck that! 

You take off at a dead run and like your name sake, wolves can run  around 50 mph at a sprint.  You saw the where the area ends with a peninsula, it has the Irish sea on one side and the River Dee on the other side.  You decide to make a run for the water, as the strigoi king is too prepared, for you now.

Once more Alucard marvels at your agility and speed.  He has always had a certain amount of contempt for Werewolves.  There isn't one thing he can criticize you about currently.  You are a  powerful, living and breathing machine of nature that incorporates both man and wolf.  The best of both worlds.  He wonders if you howl and what it must sound like.  Can you even speak words?  You can use weapons so nothing would surprise him at this point.  Then the brain switches gears.

You are headed to water.  Alucard growls so  fiercely and loud, all the Geese jump then scatter as he races through them.  Their eyes grow large.   The vampire is covering the ground in a blur and all that is noticeable is the red coat whipping up and  the  long curtain of  ebony hair, flowing wildly.  His hair reaches  it's longest length when he is extremely excited, with a hunt usually.  

As for chasing, the Shadow King doesn’t chase anything.  He shadow morphs or portals, so the fact he is giving chase on foot is quite unusual.  Then one of the mercenaries mentions Alcuard is not even going to bats…

He must really want to psychically catch you!  To hunt you down and ensnare you, within his cold, strong grasp.

Your eyes spot the edge of a cliff that leads to the Irish sea but your ears hear the movement of something not human, moving quickly behind you.  A blur of red and black passes you by then stops directly in your path.  Alucard has just blocked your escape route.  

~•Fine!  He wants to play, you’ll not play nice at all.

You act like you are going to do a high leap into the air to get past his body.  Alucard just lets a deep rumbling chuckle out.  “There’s no escape now (Y/n).”


You twist and slide right next to his right side, just under his armpit and swing the war club to impale the middle of his back, steel blade to pierce his heart from the backside.  Your blow is strong enough to push Alucard a step forward.  His head turns just slightly, to see your gleeful look, from having smashed and pierced him at the same time.  The Vampire King lets a hiss out.  You decide that's the cue, to just waylay, on his pale ass some more.  With twists and turns of your flexible body, you hit him in the chest twice, lower back and groin before he reacts...not amused.

Alucard’s hellfire eyes from playful to anger.  His idea of fun has just worn off.  That damn weapon is hurting.  He will heal in moments but the fact the primitive weapon is causing painful damage, is not to his liking.  Is it because it's a different weapon, not encountered before or is a holy weapon of sorts along with wood and steel ?  In some places it is believed a steel railroad spike through the heart immobilizes the vampire not a wooden one.

  Is it because it's a different weapon, not encountered before or is a holy weapon of sorts along with wood and steel ?  In some places it is believed a steel railroad spike through the heart immobilizes the vampire not a wooden one

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His ominous vampiric eyes gloom at you, just waiting for your next move.  You shrug then try a similar attack just from the left side since you know from your dreams, he is right handed.  Alucard blocks each blow with his arm then pins you to the ground.  His white gloved hand swats the war club away. Next you hear the snap of the leather, holding your quiver around your waist and arrows scattering everywhere, in the brush.


“That hurt little wolf, no more…” he ground his teeth.  “Time to go home.”

His arms had gone slack enough to close the distance, so you lunge up at him.  Your teeth latch around his throat.  You tear his throat open then take another bite.  This time you bite through bone and cartilage.  Alucard’s body collapses on top of you as his head rolls off a short distance.  You had been going for the silly thing about the werewolf bite but decapitation works too.  You push his headless body off you then you grab his head, by his long thick hair.  Dead eyes stare up at you. 

~•Somewhere in the back of your head you just know this has been too easy.

You take off at a sprint along the edge of the cliff, looking for a path down to the ocean.  That's when you feel something wet lick your fur, then the click of teeth, just before they sink into your leg.  You scream out from the sharp, gringing pain and look down, to see Alucard’s mouth has bitten down, into your leg.  In a frantic struggle of getting his jaws, you actually hear that you have broken his jaws and your blur of tears from the intense pain, had you misjudging the edge.  You fling the vampire’s head away only to lose your balance and descend over the side of the cliff.

Your hybrid wolf body spins and tumbles until you hit the water hard on your side.  Your breath gets knocked out.  You can't even scream at the moment if had wanted to.  The last you remember is your body rolling you on your back and the water carrying you away from your adversary.  You think you heard a series of loud snarls and growls about your current situation.  

It seems Alucard was not allowed to continue the pursuit…

You didn’t know where the current was taking you but you had escaped Alucard, strigoi king and that was good enough for you.  Your eyes were so heavy and your body ached from the bite to your thigh.  You didn’t care if you lived or died. 

~•You were still a free person...

  †~•You were still a free person

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