Thor Temporarily Grows Some Brains

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Haha ... yeah sorry I haven't been updating. I've been busy.

Oh well, here it is.

Tony Stark POV

"that's definitely sea water in his blood. How did it get there though." I looked to Helen and she shook her head. She was just as clueless as me.

"Is there any other traces of sea water?" Bruce asked re reading the file.

"I'm not sure, I only took a sample of his blood, nothing else." Her eyes furrowed. "I could give him an x-ray." She suggested.

"That'll only examine his bones though. There's no use in that" Nat answered.

"No. New technology is surfacing, as I said, I have some of the newest inventions that haven't reached the world yet." Helen explained. "This new x-ray I have can look at organs and veins. It will allow me to see any other salt residue in his body, and shows me through a screen, I don't need to wait for the results to print. If theres salt too close to his heart he could die. I need to check him."

"J. Tell Percy to get down to the med bay." I said, already on my way. "And Helen, I think i'm going to have to have a closer look at these x-rays. Bruce-y can come too." The doctor nodded.

This line break is reminding you not to accept curses from strangers.

As soon as we set everything up Percy entered the room.

"What's up?" He asked. "Can we just do this quick? I need to talk to someone."

"Um, sure kid, we just need to run one last test." I explained.

"If that's alright with you." Helen smiled. Percy stood still for a second before his shoulders sagged in resignation and walked over to where Bruce motioned him.

"What exactly is happening?" He said as if inviting small talk. I took the bait, what was the harm in it?

"We're just having a look at your organs. We found high traces of salt in your bloodstream. Well, more along the lines of salt water." I waited for him to process the information. He nodded slowly, eyebrows creased. I hoped Nat was watching through the cameras, something about that expression seemed off.

"We're just running a scan to see if there's any more salt." Helen explained and pulled down the screen which was attached to a movable bar that attached itself into the wall behind Percy. She pulled the screen down and it gave us an image of what was happening at that moment.

"This technology is incredible." Bruce said in awe and Helen beamed. I was impressed as well and moved closer to the screen. Helen moved the screen downwards a bit to where his lungs were and our eyes widened.

"How is this possible?" I whispered.

"What? How is what possible?" Percy asked but all I could do was stare at him like he was a ghost. Which he should be. His lungs were half filled with water, and if by the looks we were all giving each other, salt water.

Loki Laufeyson POV

"Brother." Thor looked at me with sympathy which annoyed me to say the least, but I clamped it down. I needed to talk to someone and he's the only one who will listen to me.

"I know I know, I 'messed up' as the mortals would say."

"Do you not know how hard betrayal is for Percy?" He sighed and stared straight into my eyes. "What you did in New York was horrible for everyone on Midgard, you know that, I know you do, why else would you have withheld information like that."

"Thank you very much for rubbing salt in my wound." I rolled my eyes.

"What I'm saying is that Percy thinks you are like every other person who's tried to use him."

"I am most certainly not using him!" I exclaimed.

"Tell him that." I blinked, was Thor Odinson really using his brain or was this some absurd dream. "And tell him what happened at New York. There's something your not telling anyone. I see no reason you would attack Midgard in the first place." I was speechless, how could he know?

I pushed that to the back of my mind and nodded. Taking a deep breathe I went to go find Perseus. It was time for me to explain everything.


The throne room stayed silent as Percy threw a drachma into a rainbow and told Fleecy to show Annabeth. He explained everything that had happened and her eyebrows furrowed. "How do you know he was trying to use you?"

He threw his arms into the air. "Because that's what Luke did. That's was Kronos did and that's exactly what Gaia did."

"Seaweed Brain, don't compare him to other people. Otherwise you'll come to expect the same from everyone. Look at me. Yes he attacked New York, but does that mean he can't change? I think there's more to the story then what Loki says. What about you?"

Percy was silent - thinking - for a bit before he looked up and smiled at his fiance. "Thanks Wise Girl you are the definition of 'The Best' you know that?" She grinned and waved goodbye before swiping through the mist.

"So you gonna talk with him then?" Hermes asked getting hopeful.

"Yeah, I think I should." Apollo and Hermes cheered silently while Artemis watched them with hidden amusement.

"Mr Jackson, you are needed down at the Medical Bay." A voice said startling everyone while Hephaestus snorted, amused.

"Thanks JARVIS. I'll be down soon." Then he said to the gods. "Loki will have to wait."

Once Percy was down in the med bay Apollo immediately noticed the new set up and his eyes widened as he looked towards Hephaestus who also seemed to be examining it with interest. "Hephy! That's one of a kind! It's the first of newly advanced medical technology."

Hephaestus ground his teeth at the name, Apollo knew it annoyed him but he pushed that aside and nodded. "It does seem to be, doesn't it." He thought for a moment, then his eyes widened and he turned to Poseidon. "Does your boy have anything inside his body that are different to mortals - besides the seawater in his blood."

"Let me think." Poseidon answered.

Athena snorted. "Don't worry Poseidon, trying anything for the first time is difficult."

"Do not condescend me niece." He growled before turning his attention back to Hephaestus. "Yes does, he has sea water in his lungs from what I can recall." Apollo paled and turned to Hephaestus.

"They'll pick that up in the scanner." Hephaestus nodded turning to Zeus who was watching the exchange.

"Remember we cannot do anything about this." Hades reminded them all and looked at his nephew. "The Fates want this to be what it is."

Percy stood as they lowered the screen. They waited with bated breath as it reached his lungs. "What? Hows what possible?" The demigod asked Stark.

Bruce looked up. "With the earlier files, we found out that you have only a half your DNA which is on your mother's side, you shouldn't exist it's not possible. And now looking at this ... Percy you have sea water in your lungs. You should be dead."

So ... Is this short? I think it is idk.

Tell me what you think.

- Addi :))))))

Percy Jackson meets Loki and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now