Pranks and-- Ew Caring

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Guess who's back?

I had the craziest 5 months since I last updated. Like there were just so many opportunities for me to write this chapter, which I completely neglectedddd :D


Percy Jackson POV

They got better. Thor and Loki.

The two made a deal; Thor would stop trying so hard, and Loki would try harder.

Now, eating cereal, I was watching the two, whilst trying not to laugh (let alone smile) as Loki fussed over Thor whilst simultaneously pretending he wasn't.

"Thor, stop resisting." I joked. "Give in, he can't be defeated."

Loki shot me a look that definitely said that he knew I was sore, even if I tried to hide it, and he'd make it worse if I said anything else.

Two weeks had passed since Nat gave me my first hand-to-hand session (She pummeled me, Ares could not stop laughing), ever since then, I've been waking up stiff. 

I've stopped complaining though; because when I did, she'd just smirk and tell me to get on the mat.

I put my hands up in surrender, shrugging--then winced at the pain.

Thor, though obviously happy at the concern, frowned, "This is like any other HYDRA mission. We will go in there, find the beast, and sever it of its heads!"

I cocked my head to the side "Yeah that's not the best strategy when it comes to a Hy-"

"Nevertheless!" Thor continued. "We will come back to our abode victorious!"

Tony, who was sitting in the corner, snorted, "Sure bud."

Loki rolled his eyes in resignation. "Do not come crawling back to me if it goes wrong brother." Thor tried to hide the happiness at 'brother.' I grinned, 'guess we're all bad at hiding our emotions at the moment.

Steve entered the room in all his spandex glory. "We roll out in five."

"Why would we roll?" Thor and I both asked, though I can guarantee Thor didn't say that to tick off the Captain.

Steve sighed in a way that suggested he was completely done with me, before walking out. 

"Hey, Thor was actually clueless!" I shouted down the hall. 

No answer.


Tony clapped once and stood up. "Well, you two enjoy your breakfasts, Thor and I have to suit up."

I watched Loki watch them leave, tension clear as day in his shoulders. "So .."

His eye's snapped to me, eyebrow raised. "So?"

We stared at each other for a minute until I shrugged. "Imma make some IM's"

This line break is brought to you by schists

Here's what I now know.

1. Annabeth got an owl and named her What.

2. She was joking and actually named her Olive (much to my eternal amusement)

3. Lady Artemis sent Thalia a video two weeks ago about me and archery that she heavily assured would be held as blackmail.

4. Chiron says Camp's doing fine and not to worry.

5. Tyson was put incharge of building a whole wing to reconstruct the underwater palace destroyed in the Second Titan War (from what I got, that's really big.)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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