Stark, Cap and The Norse Dude

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Nick Fury POV

Over a week has passed and Fury still hasn't gotten anything out of Jackson. 

It didn't help that Loki was down from Asgard, seeing as Odin decided to leave his punishment to the choice of Earth. He came arrived last month, Thor accompanying him straight to Avengers tower. I sighed in frustration remembering the amount of complaints Stark sent within the hour.

"Hey Nicky." Speak of the devil, Stark walked into my office and sat down on the chair opposite me like it were his couch. "Whatcha up to?"

"Relieving a headache that arrived when you entered." I mumbled but then said a little louder, "What do you want Stark?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see what's happening at SHIELD."

"What have I told you?" I said, eyes boring straight into his.

Stark, however, paid no heed to me, but I did note how he didn't look back at me, instead to the glass of wine he always has. "If I interrupt you while you're in the middle of you're brooding time, you'll give me some task or whatever." He sighed.

That wasn't what I said at all, however that did give me an idea. A smile twitched on my lips ever so slightly. "And now you've interrupted me again. So I'm handing someone over to you."

Tony looked up, irritated. "We already have Loki to deal with."

"Well now the rest of the team can thank you for the extra task." I pulled Jackson's file from my desk drawer and placed it on the desk.

"Perseus Jackson." Tony said, eyes skimming the file as he drank from his wine. Slowly, a smile crept on his face and his eyes lit up. "I like him better than Loki." He grinned.

"He's currently sitting in Loki's old cell, I want you and the rest of the team to find out who he works for and possibly what he is." That was all I said before standing up and walking out of the room.

Tony Stark POV

Walking down the hallways, I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face. Oh, what would cap think? The smile grew.

I found the kid leaning against the glass wall, one leg sitting up whilst the other lay flat on the ground, with his head bobbing along in some kind of rhythm. Probably a song in his head.

"Hey Kid." I called. He opened his eyes and a grin spread across his face and he stood up and walked over to me.

"Hey man," He said propping one elbow against the glass to rest his cheek on his fist. "You come to bring me food?"

I huffed a laughed. "No. I've come to get you outta here." 

He scanned my face for a few seconds, eyes dropping to the wine glass in my hand and tensing. "Where?"

"To Avengers tower of course." I spread my arms out wide and grinned. He gave me a blank look. I dropped my arms, "C'mon, you've got to have heard of the Avengers."

"Um." He frowned.

I gave him an exasperated look. "The big building with the A on it."

His eyes lit up in recognition. "Oh! That one! Yeah, my fiance talks about the architecture."

I raised an eyebrow. "Fiance? What are you? 16"

He laughed, "17 And we've been through hell together." I could of sworn his eyes guttered. Desperate to pick up the mood, I walked over to the computer pad, the agents tensed but I just flashed them a smile and punched in the code. The glass door slid back and opened. 

Percy Jackson meets Loki and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now