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June 1.

I reached towards the nightstand next to the hotel bed to grab my phone after hearing the blaring noise of my alarm.

Sunlight came through the window, peeking past the curtains and nearly blinding me as I turned over. My phone goes off again, this time a phone call.

"Hey are you up?"

"Yeah, I just woke up a minute ago," I respond as I tried to keep myself from yawning through my words.

"Alright. I got a message saying the band is on their way here now, and they should get here some time in the next hour," my father explains with far too much energy at this hour, making me wonder how long he's been awake for.

"Will we have time for breakfast first? We didn't have dinner last night." I start to untangle myself from the cotton sheets, making my way towards the open suitcase laying on the floor. I dig around until I find some clothes for the day, pressing my phone between my ear and my shoulder in an attempt to multitask.

"After we've met with them and they're settled we can think about what we want to do for food."

I let out an overly-exaggerated groan, as I walked to the bathroom to get ready in the time I had left.

"I'm getting a call from the office. Meet me in the lobby once you've gotten yourself ready." Before I could respond, he had hung up.

The nerves were starting to kick in. I was nervous to meet the band, not because they're growing celebrities by the minute, but because of the introductions. As the tour continues I'm sure I'll be able to tolerate them, or at least I hope.

I'm nervous to meet everyone on the touring team. The last thing I want is to step on anyone's toes or slip up and ruin something for everyone. The first show is tonight and I haven't even gotten a glimpse of what my job consists of, and it's starting to feel like I've been thrown to the wolves, or when you're learning to swim and instead of your parents actually teaching you, you just get tossed in and everyone hopes you don't drown.

Not to mention I'm only 18. A majority of the touring team are grown adults with their own families, and I've suddenly shown up with the "Assistant Manager" title simply because of my father. I wouldn't take me seriously if I were them.

I took these thoughts with me to the shower, and I secretly hoped that the water would wash them away.

I was wrong.

I did however get free shampoos out of it, which I will be putting in my bag later.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I pulled on the black t-shirt and Levi's jeans I had brought to the bathroom.

The only makeup I could be bothered to put on was mascara.

As soon as I finished, I slipped on a pair of black converse, which were starting to fade with time. I think I got them in like tenth grade? I don't know but there's a hole growing on the side. I refuse to buy a new pair though until my foot is hanging out.

Grabbing nothing but my phone, I head to the lobby of the hotel.

My father is standing with a few other adults, all dressed far nicer than me. I'm starting to think jeans and converse wasn't the best idea, but to be fair, I was never provided with a dress code.

My father is dressed in a gray suit, as per usual. It's nearly summer, plus we're going to be walking around and working all day, and he's still wearing those suits.

He turned to face me with a smile, leaving behind the group he was talking to.

"Jase! Is this what you're wearing today?" He looked me up and down, almost with confusion and slight disgust in my outfit selection.

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