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Niall Horan

I don't want to be at this party.

I just want to be alone.

My mind has been everywhere else in the world for the past four days, and as much as I can't turn down a party, that's exactly what I want to do right now.

When Dave called Louis a few days ago and told us he was hosting a party for us, I was thrilled. We haven't had a real night out with the band since the tour started, and we haven't seen Dave since the album came out.

Then, Jim told us the last dates of the tour were sold out, so we called Dave back and he said that was more of a reason to throw a party.

So yeah, I wanted to be here at first.

Until Memphis.

I wanted to get out of the hotel by myself, and unfortunately, the only time possible is in the middle of the night. I don't have a clue how to get anywhere over here in America, I don't know where anything is and half of the places we're seeing I didn't even know existed. But maybe that's something that's fun about it, not knowing where you're going or what you're doing.

But then I thought, okay well where is she?

I want to see her more, but I know her dad won't let her out with me in the middle of the day for no reason. That's my theory at least.

Well, let's go back to the very beginning.

In April, we sat in a meeting in London to finalize some plans for the tour.

Then, the first of June, we meet the team and have our first show.

Jim said he would be getting an assistant for the tour, mostly because it would be madness for him to deal with four guys like us, and he's used to working with solo artists anyway.

At that news, we thought, 'Okay, great! Another guy for us to chill out with.'


Because then I see her standing around, and that's the Assistant Manager. Even worse, that's his daughter.

So I told myself I had to stay away from her to make sure I didn't have the urge to fuck her at the drop of a hat. But I think the distance made it worse, because then I started thinking about her and what she would be like, and if I was around her, I felt weird thinking about that right in front of her face while she was clueless about it all.

Then Harry gets all flirty with her and I'm like okay great, distract me. Or maybe tell me she isn't worth it so I can stop thinking about her.

But in New York, it got bad. They're sitting there flirting in front of everyone's faces and it's like, god get a fucking room. I said some things to Harry I'm not quite proud of, so we'll leave those details out, but we got in this stupid fight about a girl right before the show. Then, I took all this shit to get me through it, and what do you know? I nearly passed out and she has to babysit me on her day off.

So at that point, she already is done with me, and I haven't even had a chance.

But then I start writing down some lyrics, and a song is born.

Then, Baltimore.

She's moping and groaning and whining that her dad forgot about her plans, so I volunteer to take her around the city. I got to know her a little bit, and I did the same for her, but I suck at introductions, and I suck at telling the life story, mostly because I fucking hate mine.

I told Harry before the show in Baltimore that I wanted to try the new song, and he was against it at first because he knew she'd get pissed.

Mr. Rational Styles.

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