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"Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes."

How the hell am I supposed to respond to that?

He said it perfectly normal too. Without hesitation, without a sarcastic tone. Like he meant it.

"Excuse me?" I nearly choke on my words.

He keeps his eyes away from me. "Nothing," he shrugs.

"No, you just said-"

He stands up abruptly. "No, no, I didn't say anything. That was all Matty Healy," he says, pointing his finger in my direction. He turns off the music, grabbing the speaker in his left hand and his phone in the other before walking to the door. "If you'll excuse me, I have a show to put on."

I sit there in silence.

Niall has such an, I don't know how to describe it, an unpleasant vibe to him. He's tricky to read. I don't dislike being around him, but it's like a hit or miss. Maybe he'll make inappropriate comments, maybe he'll tune out the world and mind his own business.

Chelsea returns with Liam. I hadn't even noticed their arrival, the sudden sound of their voices making me jump. "Jasey? Are you alright?"

I scramble to gather my things, trying to get out of the room and get away from any other band member.

"Yeah — I'm, yeah, I'm fine," I stutter.

"You look really pale," Liam eyes me up and down.

"I haven't gotten much sun yet this summer," I try to joke.

"No you look like you're ill," he pushes. He starts walking towards me, and I take steps backwards for every step he takes approaching me.

"I'm fine!" I shout. "I just — I probably just need something to eat. I'll stop by catering on my way to the stage."

I get out of the room before they're able to ask any more questions, racing down the hall with my head down.

I feel uncomfortable. The interaction with Niall stays fresh in my brain every time I try to think of something else. I think he knows how to push my buttons. Maybe he makes jokes to irritate me, or maybe it's to ease the tension in the room. Although, any time he opens his mouth, I can feel the tension growing.

I stop in catering and grab an apple, taking a few large bites to fill my mouth before tossing the remains in the trash.

This isn't my first time at this arena. My father has been here many times before when he had toured with other artists and he had shown me around a bit. However, I had only seen the arena when it was empty before a show, and I was never taken backstage, so I have absolutely no clue where I am or how to get to the stage. I try to follow the sound of screaming fans, but there are so many hallways and turns that I'm completely lost.

After nearly giving up and calling someone to come find me, I see my dad at the end of the long hallway. I sigh in relief, and start speed walking to him, trying to catch up before he disappears and leaves me stranded. I start picking up my pace, now jogging.

A door suddenly swings open in front of me, making me gasp and stop in my place.

Louis, Harry, and Niall walk out; Niall with a guitar across his chest and Brendan adjusting the wires attached to him.

"Woah!" Harry grabs both my shoulders, trying to calm down my heavy breathing that I hadn't even noticed had occurred. "What are you running for?"

"Just have to catch up to my dad so I know where I'm going," I push his hands off my shoulders trying to walk away. He grabs my hand and pulls me back.

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