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There is a VERY important authors note at the end, so please make sure you read that when you finish :)


Jasey Foster.

July 15.

I could have sworn last night was a dream.

Everything was fucking perfect, from the second we left to go out, until we got back to my hotel room and he kissed me goodnight. I don't think anything could have made it better. The bar was as high as it could go, and Niall managed to reach it effortlessly.

The only thing that may have made it better is if I spoke up and asked him to stay the night with me, but I chickened out at the last second.

Even though I shouldn't be worried about my father suddenly coming to my room without a warning before I can get Niall out, I do anyway, because not only is he my father, but he's my boss too.

Two birds, one stone.

If my boss was anyone else, I doubt they would care about finding me and Niall together. It would probably be one of those awkward eye contact exchanges here and there, but that would be the worst of it.

But this is my dad we're talking about, so yeah, I wish I didn't care about the risk of him finding Niall in my room, but I can't help it.

He's my dad first, boss second.

I don't even think I could complain about not having Niall with me all night, because everything before it was so fucking good.

I was almost certain I had dreamt it until I unlocked my phone this morning and saw that I still had Google open with all the tabs about our zodiac signs, and I smiled to myself as I thought about us sharing my ice cream while reading our qualities to each other.

I had to force myself to look away from the tab that read: 'Virgo characteristics,' because I knew if I looked too closely at those, it would drive me insane. That would be all I thought about around him, and I would suddenly take all of that zodiac stuff super seriously.

I think it's fun to look at here and there, but sometimes I catch myself looking a bit too close, and that can be toxic, because then it isn't fun anymore. It becomes obsessive, and you're worrying about stuff that may not even be accurate depictions.

My point is, I swiped the fuck away from that tab before I could catch even a glimpse of its contents.

When I unlocked my phone to unintentionally find memories of last night, I also had a message from Harry, reading, 'You up? I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast. It's been a while.'

I woke up early, something else that was unintentional, and I had struggled to fall back asleep, deciding in the end to just stay up and get a head start on my day.

Except I haven't actually gotten out of bed yet, but the text displayed on my phone's screen is calling my name and might be just the motivation I need to crawl out of my bedsheets.

Harry is right, it has been a while.

I haven't really spoken to him since things started to pick up with Niall, but I realize how that's probably more suspicious than anything, considering how we have both been a little distant from the rest of the band, even if we aren't meaning to.

Niall has it a bit easier than I do considering he works directly with them as a member of the band, or maybe that makes it harder to keep a secret from them.

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