Gilbert & Anne. (G.POV)

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"So you simply never bothered to speak to Anne about any of this!?"
Diana spoke angrily.

"Had I had the opportunity to, I would have. In fact, I went over-"
I reasoned, quite perplexed by Diana's behavioural stance.

"-You've had every opportunity to! For years! Admit it! You've been smitten with Anne ever since she came to Avonlea and smashed her slate over your head!"
She spoke so swiftly I could barely understand what she was trying to tell me. Although, she was correct about Anne. I had been smitten with Anne and her beauty.

"There have been countless clues and you certainly can't deny you were beguiled by her at dance practice."
She wasn't wrong. I could not keep my eyes off of Anne that day at all. She was profoundly successful at dancing, and just as I expected her to be. She was always smiling at the melody which made me wonder how such a beautiful a smile can create so much happiness. For me and her. That was a good day.

"Even though you were secretly courting a mystery debutante who you had the temerity to step out at the Fair with no word of warning."
I had stopped listening to Diana completely. Just thinking of Anne made me forget to pay attention but I caught the last of her sentence. Something about the fair?

"Then you show up at the ruins after the exams and demand to know how Anne feels about you and gave her all of 30 seconds to decide her entire future!"

"And worst of all, you callously ignored the letter Anne wrote to you, even though she told you she loved you!" Diana aggressively yelled. Like she had finally cracked.

I had realised, finally, how much of a prude I had been. Anne loves me? Me. Gilbert Blythe?

"What letter...? Diana, WHAT LETTER...!?"

I needed answers. More than... that! I needed to see her again before I left for Toronto. I had to. She was and is the love of my life. And so, I sped off the train, sprinting as fast I could to officiate my love for her. To really let Anne know that I am completely and utterly in love with her. My Anne Shirley-Cuthbert of Green Gables. My Anne with an 'E'.

It felt like days had past as I raced towards Anne's dormitory home. I started to wonder what I would say in the moment if we met once again before I left. I was getting so close, now. But I couldn't wait to see her, knowing that she... --she loves me. That is, if Diana is telling the truth. Just around the corner and there she was.

In a wonderous blue velvet gown with white trimmed lace. She had her spectacular Red, Wavy locks of hair half up and half down. She was beautiful just standing there. It felt like fire came between us as the heat of the moment spurred.

I spluttered out some old question to clarify if she truly did love me. So I could finally kiss unto her precious lips.
"Is it true that you possess feelings for me...?"

She didn't say anything.

And as I was just about question her silence she brought me onto her and kissed me. I perfectly cupped her cheek, holding her delicute waist with my other hand. I wouldn't have known that I would wait 3 years for this one kiss. My Anne with an 'E', you suprise me everytime.

~ Written by, Morgan Green.

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