Come together

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George pov:

I new that voice, cold and monotone, "what do you mean?" I look up at the pink haired bully star8ng daggers at me "I mean why the fuck are you at the hospital? You don't look ill" he retorted, it was at that moment when I realised he was right, I didn't know when I got to the hospital, I guess my feet just brought me here "I asked you a question runt!" Techno barked "I don't know I didn't mean to come here" I whispered "you know you can't see him right, it's a shame I suppose he's awake and everything" techno smirks, my eyes brighten and I look up at him towering over me "he is! Please techno I'll do anything. Please if you just let me talk to him" I pleaded, techno just looks towards me in disgust "why would I do that hmm? Even if I did he doesn't want to see you, he said you were the reason he's in there, trapped, I think he hates you now. How funny is that, he went in there cause he supposedly loves you and now he hates your guts!" Techno laughed keeling over slightly.

That was it. Something in me snapped. I rushed over to the pinkette tackling him over, trying to hit him as hard as I could to no affect, techno just shoved me of picked me up by my hair and punched my in the stomach making me feel sick, he then grabbed the back of my neck and dragged me into a small alleyway then proceeded to throw me around, I kept getting back up despite how much it hurt, I couldn't stop, techno needed to be hurt. I mustered up the strength to lunge at him again this time clawing at his eye, which I managed to scratch "you fucking brat!" Techno shouted before attacking me once again throwing punch after punch at my face or stomach, I felt my vision become blurry and I could taste blood in my mouth.

"Hey!" A voice shouted from the Main Street, I looked up and saw nick, alongside Karl followed by bad and skeppy. Get the fuck away from him!" Skeppy yelled just before bad whispered a quick 'language' into his ear "or what peasants?" Techno asked unamused "or we're gonna have to beat you up, no matter how strong you think you are you can't seriously believe you could take all four of us on at once" Karl basically asked acting uncharacteristically smug, techno seemed to observe the situation "whatever, I've got better things to do" he pauses for a moment to look at me "I could name them if you'd like" he winks making me literally throw up as he walks away.

"George are you ok? We need to get you some help!" Bad yells as I finally give into the overwhelming tiredness that took over me.

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