Chapter 2 Soulmates

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Chapter 2 Soulmates

Katherine POV.

I scratch my burning collarbones… my collarbones are burning where my soulmarks are. That-that would mean that two of my soulmates are close to me. 

I should stand up and look out the window and see if they are outside. I stood up and placed my legs onto the booth and stood there going to look out the window when my eyes locked onto two males who were standing waiting to be seated. They were both scanning the dinner and rubbing their collarbones too.  

Before they could look over my way I sat back down. Two of my soulmates are here... they seem older, like twenty-five something years old. Gosh the pain was unbearable, ok just act normal. 

I can feel them fight for our soulbonds to be connected together. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I tilted my head to the side to hide my face as my soulmates walked past our booth.

Holy shit they're hot… 

The soulbonds has two steps to it. One is to be either rejected or accepted by your soulmates and part two is doing it… having sex is to fully conneting our soulbonds, "Hey you ok kid?" Dad asks. 

“Hmmm….” I snapped my head to my dad and gave him a small painful smile, “Yeah i'm fine I just have a stomach and side hurts again” I said truthfully. 

My stomach had started to hurt on the way here but I didn't really think about it until now. I already had my period so it's not that. Hm… damn it this is going to be fucking killer, I hate this time of month too. I place my arm over my stomach. 

“Eh im sorry kid, we will go to the store and get you some heating pads for your pain. I keep forgetting to tell you Jade but she” he points at me, “Get cysts on her ovaries” dad said. “It's very painful and makes her sit out on ‘hunting trips’ a lot. She hates it. I hate it because she's in pain” he adds. 

I slouch back and groan out as a sharp pain goes to my stomach and side. Fuck i dont know whats worse the fighting for my soulmates bounds to connect with me or this pain? 

Gosh I feel sick now. 

“Oh dear, I’m sorry Katherine. I know how those feel, I used to get them when I was younger. Just tell me whenever you get them so i know when to call in to your school so you can skip it without getting in trouble” she said..

I give her a nod in agreement, well I'm going to use that... 

I look over my dad's shoulder and look at my soulmates who sat at a booth semi on the other side of the dinner. I could see them perfectly, but I don't think they could see me. Pain was shooting through my body as they fought for their soulbonds to connect with me as their eyes scouted around the room for… probably me. 

"Hello I will be your server tonight, I’m Serra, what can I start you with to drink?" Serra asks. 

I move my eyes to the waiter, "I'll like a beer" Aunt Jade said. Same with me" dad chimed in. 

Serra wrote down their orders and she looked at me. 

"I'll have tea and water," I said as calmly as I could. 

I look past her again to my two soulmates. As my eyes look over to their table my eyes lock onto theirs and I quickly tense up and look back at the waiter, "Ok I'll be back with your drinks" she said walking away. 

Dicks POV. 

"Well that was a stressful mission" I said, stretching my arms up into the air and yawning big. 

"Hmmm...." Jason huffed out. 

We are walking down the street to the dinner we had found a couple of years ago after a mission was done. The food is amazing. 

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