Chapter 11 Damian

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Chapter 11 Damian

Third person POV. 

Katherine and Jade walk up the stairs of Gotham Academy, “Well this is a big school” Katherine whispers out more to herself then anyone else but Jade had heard and laughed quitly to herself before responding back to her quietly, “Yeah it is.”

Katherine smiles and continues to look around the place, “Ah Miss Anderson and Miss Winchester you are finally here” an older looking lady said appearing out of nowhere. 

Katherine looks towards her with an raised eyebrow… ‘finally here’... she thought to herself, ‘we are early’ she also thought, “Yes, sorry for… be-” Jade shakes her head, “You must be Mrs. Henderson,” Jade said. 

Mrs. Henderson was a strict old lady who just continued to stare blankly at the two women in front of her, “Yes, I’m Mrs. Henderson, I have worked for this school for forty-seven years” she said.

Katherine raised her eyebrow again, ‘does that really matter?’ she thought to herself. 

Mrs. Henderson looks towards Katherine and gives her a good look over, she didn't like her lip ring and her earrings and she especially didn't like how Katheine dressed. "You must be Katherine Winchester," she said. 

‘Yeah no shit’ Katherine thought. 

Katherine gives her a soft fake smile, “yes that's me” she said nicely. "Hmmm... follow me" 

Katherine POV. 
Well she doesn't like me. Not one bit. She doesn't like my clothes or earrings and lip ring. I dont really give a fuck about what she doesnt like. I like my earrings and lip ring. 

Aunt Jade and I follow her into the school to an office with supplies for the uniforms measurement. 

“So of course this academy has their rules. The main ones are,” Mrs. Henderson starts with. “One, don't be late three times in a row. Two, make sure your lockers are clean at all times, three, uniforms are a must. Four school uniforms for P.E. is a shirt and shorts but not too short” she stops to take a breath and continues, “Five, no fighting. Six, no using phones in class or the hallways. There is more in the hand book” she said. She turns around and pulling out a handbook out of fucking no were and paced it to my aunt Jade and walks away to grab something. 

She turns back and looks at me, “Take your jacket off so we can measure you for your uniforms” she said. I nod my head and do what she said. 

I walk my way towards her after taking my jacket off and giving it to my aunt to hold for me. “Ok so i just read the rules and it doesn't say anything about ear and lip piercing being a problem. So Katherine you're chill with keeping them in” aunt Jade said. 

Mrs. Henderson dryer looks past me to my aunt “yes there is no rule for them” she said even dryer. Clearly she wished they were banned from the school. Luckily I don't need to take it off. I like my lip and ear rings. 

Small time skip. Sorry. 

"You can look around the school for a couple minutes as me and your aunt finish the papers" mrs. Henderson said. I nod my head and leave the office. That was so boring. 

I walk down the long empty hallway. This place is so big, how am I going to remember where everything is? This school is fucking different then any other school I have ever been to… I mean I have never been to an academy before so I can see the difference but fuck still. Plus I have never gone to a school where we have to wear school uniforms.

Third person POV. 

Katherine is walking down the hallways looking at all the pictures. She thought they were cool-ish. I mean there was nothing really cool to check out since it is a school and most of the classrooms are mostly locked up. So all she could do was walk around the academy looking at all the old school pictures on the even older walls of the old school. 

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