Chapter 9 Food

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Chapter 9 Food

Third person POV. 

Jade jiggled her keys into the door tiredly. She was finally home and she was worried all day for Katherine, she understands cysts, she understands how painful they get, how sick you can and how constipated you can be get with them.  

"Katherine I'm home!!!” she yells out as she steps into the house. Her key gets stuck, “For fuck sakes” she grumbles to herself as she stumbles over her feet slightly. 

After some struggle with her key she finally got it out and shut the door. She sighs and stands up straight. She drops her bag to the ground and shuffles away from the door as she runs her fingers through her semi messy hair. She trots to the kitchen looking for something to drink. Water, coffee, pop, etc. anything that would help her thirst for something. 

Jade didn't hear anything except the tv playing in the background. She raised her eyebrow as she realized that she didn't get a response back from Katherien. Instead of calling out towards the teen she stayed quiet as she grabbed a can of cold Pepsi and water bottle from the fridges. 

Jade was happy to finally have someone else in the house then just herself. She couldn’t have kids and for the longest time she was in a deep depression with the fact that she couldn't do what to her mind was what she was born to do. She had tried with her late soulmate and it never came positive for them and then he had died leaving her alone. She could never replace him, he was her world, the only person who fully got her. The fact that Katherine is here in the house, it feels better than morbid and dark, it's nice and happyish. For her at least. 

Jade leaves the kitchen and walks towards the dark living room.

Katherine had fallen asleep a couple of hours ago. Jade smiles as she sees her resting curled up in a ball on the couch, with Bob’s Burgers still playing in the background. Jade was hungry so she left her resting and looked around the kitchen for some easy to make for the both of them. She found nothing. 

“Man, how much did I give Dean?” she said to herself. She shuts the door and walks her way to the counter where she leaves the take-out menus and the home phone. She has been craving pizza for the longest time so she bought some, she bought a couple boxes so the both of them could have it for left-overs. But she didn't forget about Katherine's pain and maybe not being able to eat pizza so she ordered some potato soup, white bread and tea from her favorite take-out dinner. 

When everything was ordered she went back to the living room to quite get a setup for Kathereine. She had to be very quiet since Katherine is a light sleeper, she didn't want to wake her up yet. She’ll just wait until the food shows up to wake her up. 

For the pizza it only took fifteen minutes as the soup came ten minutes after it. Jade got everything on the big table before she left for the living room. “Katherine” she said crouching down beside her and placed a hand on her upper arm and started to slightly shake her awake. 

“I have gotten us some food for dinner, it's time to eat” she said. 

Katherine groans and rolls to her side slightly and opens her eyes a bit. “Hmm… what?” she groans out. She yawns and pushes up a bit, “When did you get home?” she asks through yawning. 

Jade helped her up so she was sitting back on the couch. “Probably thirty or so minutes ago. I got some take out for us” she starts with. She gets up and steps back and points to the dining room where everything is placed out nicely for the both of them, “I have gotten us three pepperoni pizzas. I have also gotten you some potato soup from my favourite dinner” she adds. 

Katherine yawns again and streachtes out, “you of course can have pizza i just know that you might not be able to eat that much when you get these” she said gesturing to her stomach area. 

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