Chapter 10 Beautiful

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Note: I just want to state that Katherine's mother is not Lisa. She is not Lisa's daughter. 

Chapter 10 Beautiful

Katherine POV. 
The next day. 

At least the pain is less now. I can walk without a hot water bottle now. I also think I can eat a bit more than I have in the past days. All I have to do now is shower and get ready for the day. 

I grab everything I would need and walk my way down the hallway to the bathroom. Aunt Jade was still asleep since I was awake way earlier than her, maybe three in the morning… I mean I tried to sleep longer but I couldn't so why waste time laying in bed when I could be doing something else. Showering sounded like the best thing to start with. 

Small time skip. 

After my shower I changed into something cute but comfortable. It was around four-ish and aunt Jade was up now and preparing breakfast for the both of us. I stumble my way down the stairs towards the dining room as I step in, aunt Jade sees me fast and smiles so big at me. “Good morning Katherine, how was your sleep?” 

I smile slightly at her and take my seat at the table and grab the glass of water in front of me, “It was ok” I start with, “How was yours?” i add on. “I had a great sleep last night, maybe one of the best,” she said cheerfully. 

I smile at her happiness and take a sip of the cold water, “That's good”. I place the glass down carefully and grab the slice of pizza in front of me, “Sorry for having cold pizza in the morning… well at four twenty-seven in the morning” 

I shrug my shoulders, “I’m kind of used to cold pizza in the morning. It's kind of easy to have if we have to rush off,” I said before taking another bite of the good cold leftover pizza. She gave me this look of… I think pity, “I mean” I shrug my shoulders again and lean back into the chair, “I taught myself how to cook and bake so we weren't eating fast food all the time” I add on with onces again another shrug. “I couldn't let that happen, plus having burgers and pizza all the time was getting tiring for me and especially for Uncle Sam,” I take a break to take a sip of water before continuing, “dad didn't show that he didn't like the first egg I cooked him. I put too much salt on it. He ate all of it and thanked me after it. I was sad and disappointed at myself back then but now I laugh about it” I added on. 

I take another bite of my food. Aunt Jade smiles slightly, “How old were you?” she asks. 

“Hmm.. I think I was seven years old” I said. 

She smiles even more. 

Third person pov. 

Katherine takes another bite of her cold pizza as she stares at her aunt Jade who leans back in her seat too, “I bet Dean loved the pie you made for him” she said with a smile.  

Katherine smiles big at the memory of her dad and uncle's faces when her third pie turned out well. Well better than her two tries before. The third apple pie was good but at pie twenty-eight she had it packed down, “Yeah they weren't the biggest fan of my first tries” Katherine jokes out.  

Jade laughs at the joke, “yeah well at least uncle Sam never forgets to get the pies anymore” she adds on as she remembered her dad's face when he had forgotten the pie or the time her uncle got cake and said it was semi the same thing. 

A few minutes after it was quiet, Jade didn't know what to say now… It was never really hard for her to start conversations but for some reason right now she just couldn't, she didn't know what to say to Katherine. She of course knew she missed her dad very much and didn't really want to be stuck here with her aunt but she had to. It sucks but it's what has to happen. 

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