Ep. 3 Jealousy

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Taehyung : Wh-what the....

??? : Hey sir! Wanna play with us?

The girl winked making him uncomfortable and wanting to throw up.

Taehyung : And may I ask who are you?

Taehyung looked away back to the dishes.

?? : I'm Hayoon! Jungkook's girlfriend.

She says while tightly hugging Jungkook.

??? : I'm Jiyoo. And don't believe her she's the biggest slut in our school. Jungkook s actually my boyfriend.

Hayoon : Hey! That's not true. Jungkook asked me out a while ago and we're now dating.

Jiyoo : Whatever. Jungkook wouldn't fall for a girl like you.

Listening to the girls fight made Taehyung cringe. Every move they made it looked like he could see their underwear from the tiny skirts. What made him even more annoyed was Jungkook wasn't saying anything. 

Taehyung looked over to see one of the girls not fighting and looked like she was uncomfortable. He noticed she was wearing the longest skirt of all of them, and didn't seem to be enjoying the situation.

Taehyung : Ah! Look at your feet! It's bleeding!

Taehyung exclaimed and pulled the shy girl to the bathroom and locked the door.

Taehyung : Here wear this.

Taehyung said as he took off his hoodie and passed it to the girl.

Taehyung : You looked uncomfortable. You shouldn't hand out with people like that if it doesn't make you happy. Stay here I will make them go somewhere and then you can leave.

? : Th-thank you so much. My name is Soojin. 

Taehyung : I'm Taehyung. Here take my number. Contact me if anything like this happens again.

As he passed the note to Soojin and walked out the bathroom door, and walked towards the living room where the three of them were having a hot make out session. 

Taehyung : Eh Hem! Soojin isn't feeling her best so I am going to walk her out. Take your guests to your room please.

Jungkook : What a shame. She wasn't even good at it. You can come upstairs and join anytime bub.

Jungkook's words made him furious but decided it wasn't the best to fight him right now. Instead he ignored him and walked to wards the bathroom and left the house with Soojin. 

2 hours later

Jungkook : Mmm Hayoon you're so good at this.

Taehyung was down stairs doing a bit of studying since he couldn't go to college anymore when he heard loud screaming and moans. It made him disgusted and wanted to throw up at the thoughts of them doing it. Instead he put on his head phones once again, and continued to study. 

Then Jungkook along with the girls walked out of the room. Taehyung didn't notice but the girls left the house giving Jungkook goodbye kisses. 

Jungkook : Were we too loud?

Jungkook smirked and sat next to Taehyung, grabbing his thigh

Taehyung : I wouldn't know. I had music playing.

Taehyung said and yanked Jungkook's hand off. He didn't know why but the thought of Jungkook with other girls made him angry. 

Jungkook : Don't be jealous bub. You'll have your turn soon. Tomorrow is Saturday, so we can go as many rounds as you want.

Taehyung couldn't believe this kid was saying. He ignored it and went to his room. He then got a call.

Taehyung : Yoongi hyung?

Yoongi : Ya, I heard you are working for the Jeon's family. Can I please come over and see? I've always wanted to see the inside of that huge mansion.

Taehyung : Only if you dome a favor.

Yoongi : What's that?

Taehyung : Can you please act like my boyfriend? Jungkook their son won't stop hitting on me!

Yoongi : Haha sure. Anything for you.

Taehyung : Okay, come over for lunch tomorrow! I'll cook you something.

Yoongi : Alright see you soon.

With that the call ended and Taehyung fell asleep.

[Author Ash Note]

Hey guys! This is the third chapter, and since this is my first time writing I don't know if this is good. Please let me know what you think about the story in the comments and if you want me to continue, or events you want to happen in the story.

Thank you!

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