Ep.11 Announcement

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Hayoon : Jungkook ah~

As soon as Taehyung and Jungkook walked in Hayoon greeted Jungkook with a kiss on the cheeks. 

Jungkook : Hayoon, how have you been?

Hayoon : Awful, hyung! I haven't had your dick in such a long time I might die!!

Jungkook : Haha, stop the joke.

Hayoon : I'm not joking! When will you date me? I want you all the time.

Jungkook : Uh... I'm dating someone Hayoon.

Hayoon : Did you already drink without me? What's with the joke?

Jungkook : I'm not joking.....


Jungkook : Hayoon shhhh!

Everyone looked at them including Taehyung, who was talking to Soojin. (Soojin is the girl Taehyung helped when she came to Jungkook's house with Hayoon.)

?? : What!? Jungkook the play boy is dating?

? : I wonder who is the lucky girl

??? : It could be a boy!

Whispers were everywhere and all a sudden a scream.

Jin : Everyone! The reason I asked for everyone to come today was to celebrate Jungkook on dating!

Everyone was clapping at Jungkook, and Namjoon patted Jungkook's back.

Hayoon : NOO! Who is it that took Jungkook away from me!? He is mine, and mine only!! 

Hayoon was screaming and crying. She was a daughter of a famous company and no one dared to disobey her.

??? : Hey, isn't she like really rich?

?? : Yeah....

? : She could easily sue people.

??? : But she's got the looks.

? : I heard she's good in bed.

?? : Anyone would be lucky to date her.

Taehyung heard those words, and everything and felt like he wasn't the perfect person for Jungkook.

Soojin : Hey Taehyung come here.

Taehyung looked over in the hallway and saw Soojin calling him over.

Taehyung : What Soojin?

Soojin : Okay your who Jungkook is dating right?

Taehyung : How did you know!?

Taehyung's voice made everyone look over. He blushed in embarrassment. Soojin pulled to a empty room.

Soojin : You see it might not look like it, but I have known Jungkook since he was a child. I know him pretty well, and Jungkook has never dating anyone. He only had sex with girls and guys and never dated. 

Taehyung : Your saying I'm his first boyfriend?

Soojin : Yes, and you must be really special.

Taehyung : Why?

Soojin : Jungkook got his heart broken one time when he was young. I don't think I should tell you though. You should ask his yourself. 

Taehyung : Ok. I'll go ask him!

Soojin : Wait!

Taehyung ran out the door.

Soojin : Aishh, listen to people. I just hope he knows that Jungkook loves him and will never cheat no him.

Taehyung ran into the living room, and saw Jungkook getting cheered on.

??? : So who is it Jungkook!?

? : Yeah! Show us your special other!!

Jimin : Jungkook, where is Taehyung!?

Jungkook : I'm trying to find him, but everyone is crowding me and I can't!

Just then someone pulled Jungkook. It was Taehyung.

Taehyung : Sorry I ran off for a bit. What's going on? Everyone is cheering you on!

Jungkook : They want to know who I'm dating. Which is you. Is it ok I I tell them?

Taehyung : Your going to introduce me!?

Jungkook :Is that ok?

Taehyung felt so happy.

Taehyung : Of course!

Jungkook smiled and hugged Taehyung and gave him a kiss.

Jimin saw them and headed to the top of the stairs where everyone would hear him. He grabbed Jungkook and Taehyung too.

Jimin : Alright everyone. Introducing Jungkook's boyfriend Taehyung!!

Jungkook held Taehyung's hand tightly, and stepped forward.

Jungkook : Everyone please welcome my boyfriend Taehyung. And just a reminder but i anyone touch him in a sexual way I will not hesitate to kill you~

Jungkook said with a smile. Everyone laughed nervously, and clapped for Taehyung. Except for Hayoon. She left the room angrily.

Taehyung ; Um.. hello... I hope we all can become friends.

Taehyung hid behind Jungkook, and said shyly.

Jungkook : Why so shy bub? 

? : I thought Jungkook's boyfriend will be more of a play boy.

??? : Same.

?? : Kind of like Jimin honestly.

??? : Yeah they are really close.

? : Maybe they are dating behind his back.

Yoongi heard them and headed up the stairs.

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