Ep. 8 Danger

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Taehyung : Stay behind me Jimin.

Jihoon : Hmm I must be lucky to find two cuties. I know Jimin's great in bed but what about you cutie? What was it Taehyung?

Taehyung : Don't even say my name. I don't wanna  hear it from your digusting mouth.

Jihoon : Feisty. I don't hate it...

Suddenly four guys show up. 

Jihoon : Get them boys.

The four guys jumps at Taehyung. 

Jimin : Taehyung watch out!

Taehyung takes quick actions. He punches the first guy's chin and hears a crack. Then kicks the second guy's shin until he falls down. He then throws the third guy down and could hear his back crack. As the three guys are growling in pain Taehyung looked for the fourth one. 

Jimin : Let go of me!

The fourth guy is holding onto Jimin and gripping him tight.

Jihoon : When you punched me earlier I could feel you were pretty strong. So I had three guys go for you but just incase you were stronger then them I decided to have one of them get Jimin. If you want Jimin to be free I can offer you a trade.

Taehyung : And what is that?

Jihoon : Give me your body.

Taehyung : Excuse me?

Jihoon : You heard me. Give me your body and I will free Jimin. 

Jihoon said and walked towards Jimin. He licked Jimin's neck and Taehyung could see Jimin flinch.

Taehyung : Fine, but let go of Jimin first.

Jihoon : Good choice.

Jihoon walks over to Taehyung, and bites his ear. He also hand cuffed Taehyung so he wouldn't punch him.

Jihoon : Mmm you taste so good.

The fourth guy let's go of Jimin and Jimin immediately runs towards Taehyung. But Jihoon stops him. 

Jihoon : I don't need you anymore, Go to your boyfriend or whatever I got a new toy.

Jimin : Taehyung don't do this! I can handle him! I have done it before!

Taehyung : Jimin it's ok. I saw you shaking earlier. Go to Yoongi. He will comfort you.

Then a car pulled up and Jihoon pushed Taehyung in, and the fourth guy and Jihoon hopped in the front. They drove away in front of Jimin.

Jimin :  What have I done.

Jimin immediately called Jungkook.

Jimin : Jungkook I'm so sorry. It's all my fault!

Jungkook : Jimin? Are you okay? 

Jimin : I'm ok but Taehyung....

Jungkook : What happened to Taehyung!?

Jimin could hear Jungkook's voice shake a little, and felt awful.

Jimin : Jihoon took him. Taehyung went because of me. He took my place. He saved me. Jihoon pushed him into a car and drove off. I don't know where he is. 

Jungkook could hear Jimin crying over the phone.

Jungkook : Jimin it's okay. I'll come over soon. Where are you?

Jimin : Close to the café we always go to.

Jungkook : I'll be there soon. Go inside the shop. Just in case someone tries to get you.

Jimin : Ok....

Jungkook hangs up and runs outside of the school. He calls Yoongi on the way.

Yoongi : Hello?

Jungkook : Come to XXX cafe. No time to explain.

Yoongi : Huh?

Jungkook : It's Jimin.

Yoongi : I'll be there soon.

Jungkook reached the cafe and saw Jimin sobbing in the corner table.

Jungkook : Jimin....

Jungkook hugged Jimin. 

Jimin : Jungkook this is all my fault.

Jungkook : No it's not. It's that dickhead's fault. Ok listen carefully I put a tracking device on Taehyung's shirt because I didn't want anything to happen to him. I looked at the tracking device and it said that they were at XXX hotel. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Jimin : Oh no.

Jungkook : So I need you to call Jin and Namjoon and tell them to go to XXX hotel. I will head over there first okay? Tell them to get some knives and guns. I know what kind of person Jihoon is. He might have some weapons too.

Jimin : Okay. Will you be alright?

Jungkook : I always have spare weapons in my back pack. Also Yoongi is on his way here. Tell him what's happening.

Jimin : Thank you. And I'm sorry.

Jungkook : Stop apologizing. It's not your fault. Plus it's Taehyung. I know he's strong.

Jungkook then got up and started to run towards the hotel.


Jihoon : We're here. 

Jihoon said to Taehyung and pulled Taehyung out of the car.

Jihoon : Time to have some fun.

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