Ep. 13 Last Day

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Everyone was too busy laughing that they didn't notice Hayoon had come back. She looked around for Jungkook but instead saw Jin getting another drink for him and Namjoon.

Hayoon : Heyyy, what's your name? Your very attractive.

Jin : What, you don't know my name!? I'M the most handsome person in this world! They call me world wide handsome!!

Hayoon : Yeah I can tell. Anyways wanna bang later? I will make it special for you...

?? : How would it be special?

Hayoon : Well it would be..

Before she answered she looked up and saw a tall figure. It wasn't Jin, but this person had his hands around his waist.

Hayoon : Huh? I wasn't talking to you, but I take threesomes.

Hayoon said licking her lips.

Jin  : Namjoonie?

Namjoon : Sorry babygirl but I don't like to share what's mine. And this guy is mine, so back off.

Hayoon : Wait you guys are...

Jin : Dating!

Hayoon : WTF! Why are all of the guys taken by even more guys!

Hayoon walked away stomping, and slammed the front door shut as she walked out. Namjoon laughed and Jin pouted.

Namjoon : What's wrong?

Jin : Many things are wrong.

Namjoon : What is?

Jin : Well first, she didn't know I was world wide handsome...

Namjoon : Don't worry you will always be number one for me.

Jin blushed but he was still pouting.

Namjoon : Is there something else that's bothering you?

Jin went silent.

Namjoon : Baby?

Jin : Y-you ca-called h-her.....babygirl.....

Namjoon laughed and felt like his heart was going to burst from his cuteness. Jin was jealous that Namjoon called Hayoon babygirl, and was pouting.

Namjoon pulled Jin's waist tighter and pecked his lips.

Namjoon : Is someone jealous hyung?

Jin : I'm not jealous.... It's that I see people look at you a lot because your tall and very caring for other people.

Namjoon : I'll take that as a compliment.

Namjoon pulled Jin out to the balcony and they made out in the night sky. The moon shining at them.


(At Jungkook's house)

?? : Ah~ J-Jungkoook... 

Jungkook : Hmm?

Taehyung : Y-your going t-too hard..

Taehyung managed to say before moaning again.

Jungkook : But that's not my name. Maybe if you say my name right, I might stop.

Jungkook smirked. Taehyung didn't say anything but he knew what Jungkook wanted to hear. Daddy. 

Taehyung : J-Jungk-kook...

Jungkook : Did you not hear me? Your not saying it right.

With that Jungkook started to lick Taehyung's nipple. Taehyung moaning from the pressure. 

Taehyung : D-daddy~

Jungkook : Good job. 

Jungkook then pulled Taehyung onto his lap, and made Taehyung put his head on his shoulders. Jungkook began drinking the champagne on the nightstand when Taehyung made grabby hands

Taehyung : Thirsty...

Jungkook chuckled at how cute Taehyung was, and put some of the champagne in his mouth. Then he kissed Taehyung and poured the champagne into his mouth. Taehyung was surprised at first but drank it. 

Taehyung : Yum.

They both lied down on the bed and cuddled each other, and soon enough fell asleep.

Few days later

Mrs. Jeon : Jungkook! My baby! Ah, I missed you so much dear! And Taehyung, thank you so much!

Taehyung : No problem!

Jungkook : Hey mom, dad we have an announcement.

Mr/Mrs. Jeon : What is it?

Jungkook pulled Taehyung and tightly held Taehyung's hand. Taehyung could tell Jungkook was nervous so he gently patted over Jungkook's hand with his fingers.

Jungkook : We're dating.

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