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The leaves crunched under my feet as I continued to get further and further away from my house of eight years and into the woods. As I carried my beloved black combat boots in one hand and my emergency bag in the other I could hear footsteps echoing through the woods, telling me that they were close. The only source of light was the full moon in the sky, giving off an ominous mood.

Running through the woods at night away from kidnappers is not how I wanted to spend my Friday. After a hard day of school, spent being bullied by a bunch of dumb jocks and cheerleaders, I thought that the moment I got home I could just relax. I thought that I would be able to just lay down on the sofa with a glass of cold lemonade, watch some re-runs and to later take a nap.

But no.

The moment I got home my aunt started to freak out, saying that something felt wrong. Usually when my aunt felt something bad was gonna happen, something bad happened. But, being the idiot that I am, I decided that she was just being paranoid. I just wanted to relax and it wasn't going to be ruined by my aunts gut feeling.

So when the sky became all nice and dark, and while I was on the sofa watching my re-runs, someone began to pound on the door. I sat up immediately on the sofa, and looked over at the door in confusion. We didn't really get many visitors. And, my mom only wrote letters these days. My Aunt and I locked eyes from across the room. I raised an eyebrow, not really knowing what to do. My Aunt walked towards the door, and decided to answer it.

My aunt unlocked the door, but before she could open it fully, it slammed open. Three very intimidating looking guys in suits stepped inside, pushing past my aunt. They started to look around the house, until their eyes spotted me. My eyes grew, but I sat there in shock not knowing what to do. What the heck is going on here?

The one who stood in the middle, seeming to be the leader of the group started to speak into his wrist, "We found her." I gasped and quickly stood up, bumping into the table, making my glass of ice cold lemonade fall onto the floor by my feet.

Before I could register the fact that I now how glass embedded in my feet, my aunt turned around and stared at me with pained eyes, "Run!" She shouted, as she lifted the three agent looking dudes in the air, using her powers. I watched with wide eyes, until she shouted for me to run again. My feet finally sprung to life and I was on the move. I grabbed my combat boots, and quick ran to the hallway closet and pulled out the emergency bag my aunt told me to get if something like this were to happen.

I ran out of the backdoor and into the woods. After five seconds of nothing but the sound of my breathing and crunching leaves under my feet, I heard footsteps coming from behind.

And now, here we are. So many questions ran through my mind as I continued to run. Which was starting to become useless, since I could hear the footsteps gaining on me. So it wasn't a surprise when five seconds later a pair of arms captured me and a rag was being wrapped around my mouth.

I was gonna hold my breath, but what was the point? Giving up was a hard thing to do, but it was my only option. The guy who talked into his wrist earlier smirked down at me, as he started to get blurry with every breath I took. The last thing I heard before everything completely became black was,

"Welcome to the school for the elements combined."

Flash back to eight years ago-

"Come downstairs, sweetie. The food is ready!" My mom shouted, from downstairs. The smell of spaghetti filled my nostrils making my tummy roar. I quickly ran downstairs and towards the dining room.

I sat down at the table, and smiled in excitement as mom set a plate of spaghetti in front of me. I grabbed my fork, prepared to pig out when my mom hit my hand. I pulled my hand back, and started to rub it. I looked at my mom in confusion, trying to ignore the black eye that I know she got from Brad. She just shook her head no.

"Amy Littles, you know not to eat before prayer. I didn't raise a child without manners." I nodded my head. We both bowed our heads, and held hands prepared to pray, when suddenly a huge thud came from the front door. I looked at the door curiously when he entered. Brad.

The smell of alcohol immediately consumed the room, making me cover my nose in disgust. Mom quickly looked at me with fear in her eyes. She stood up and grabbed my shoulder, looking deeply into my eyes. Her usually bright green eyes, that use to twinkle as she read me bedtime stories, now looked dull and teary.

"Now Amy, I want you to go upstairs to your room. I will bring you your food there in a minute, okay?" She asked, but we both knew it was a order. I nodded my head, before scurrying upstairs safety inside my room.

I laid down on my bed, and wrapped myself in my favorite blanket. I stared up at the ceiling, trying to think of something to entertain myself while I waited for mom to come upstairs with my food. Soon I was consumed with my thoughts.

I hated Brad. I was so thankful that he wasn't my father. Come to think of it, I don't actually know who my father is. Every time I asked my mom, she would get all weird and nervous and change the subject. I usually brought it up a lot since the kids at my school always brag about their dads.

A loud thud echoed from downstairs, as my mom and Brad started to shout at each other. I wrapped the blanket tight around my body as I tried to ignore whatever was happening downstairs. But, I knew I couldn't. My mom was being abused my Brad, and I couldn't do anything about it. Anger soared through my body. Is it just me, or did the air change from really cold to hot?...It's probably the blanket.

Another thud, followed by another came from downstairs. I swear I could actually see red, as I closed my eyes shut. I felt something on my hand. Something warm.

I opened my eyes and unwrapped my blanket to see a flame, sitting nicely on the palm of my hand. I gasped, and started to freak out. I started to fan my hand, as though that would stop it...Nope, that didn't work.

I continued to shake my hand, but honestly it only made it worst. I heard another thud from downstairs, as my arm started to catch on fire. What the heck is happening?

I screamed as this burning feeling spread through my body. I collapsed on the floor as the burning spread to my legs. All of a sudden, the burning stopped. And, all that was left was this tingly feeling. I looked down to see that my whole body was on fire. But, instead of being painful, it was soothing, peaceful. Like the fact that I was on fire was a natural thing.

I breathed slowly, and thought of making the fire go away. Surprisingly, it worked after I was calm enough. I looked down to see that there was no more fire, but my clothes were burnt to crisps. It was silent downstairs telling me that Brad probably left.

Suddenly I heard another thud from downstairs and my anger spiked. My hand was on fire again, so I quickly thought of making it go away. But, thoughts of Brad probably abusing my mom came into mind, and soon just thinking of making it go away didn't work.

Suddenly with a flick of my hand, my drawing of my mom and I was burned by a single flame. The flame started to spread until soon my whole room was on fire. It wasn't long before I started to feel dizzy and weak. With one last look at my burning blanket everything became black.

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