Chapter 2- Poor Elbow

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Chapter 2

"No. We're not allowed to have phones, it's against the rule. You have to get like permission or something to be able to have a phone." I groaned collapsing on the nice and comfy looking sofa. My life is going to suck here. I sighed dramatically, as I looked around the room. Anna sat down next to me. I raised an eyebrow,

"What's up?" I asked in confusion. She just shook her head,

"Sorry for staring, I'm just in wonder of your powers. They're so amazing and awesome , while my powers are just so dull and boring-"

"Dull and boring? Your powers are amazing and awesome too. You can speak to plants for gosh sakes. That seems pretty amazing and awesome to me." I said, offering her a smile. She smiled back,

"Thanks. I needed that." I nodded,

"No problem. Now, which room is mine?" I asked, gesturing towards the hallway. She gestured for me to follow her so I did. We both stood up from the sofa and walked down the hallway. She opened a door on the right and we both stepped inside.

The color scheme seemed to continue throughout the whole dorm, since my room was just filled with neutral colors. I kind of liked it, but I also wanted my room to be bright. I noticed Anna walking towards the window over towards a flower pot.

She frowned when she looked inside, "Poor thing. I didn't even notice this little guy in here. This room has been vacant for so long, my friends sleep in here sometimes, but even then this guy didn't even have enough life to try and communicate with me." I raised my eyes in confusion.

She picked up the flower pot and then closed her eyes. I watched in wonder as her hands started to glow, and then slowly a flower started to grow in the pot until it was a fully blossomed sunflower. I smiled,

"So cool." I murmured. She looked up and smiled at me,

"Thanks." I nodded. She placed the plant by the window and opened the blinds. Then she started to walk towards the door. I turned around and raised an eyebrow at her. She gestured towards the door across the hall from mine,

"I'm just gonna be in my room. Make sure you take care of that plant, because if you mistreat it, it'll let me know." I held up my arms in mock surrender,

"Woah woah woah, take it easy. I promise to take care of the sunflower." I said laughing and she continued to smile,

"Good, I'll hold you to that." And, then she was gone. When she left I looked over at the bed. It was kind of small, clearly made for only one person. Not that I would be able to share a bed with anyone. I don't really talk to the male species unless talked to, and even then I might not talk to them. I don't really know how to socialize with...people.

I sighed, thinking of my aunt and what she may be doing right now. She's probably worried about me. For a long time it's just been my aunt and I. I didn't even know she existed until my mom sent me off to live with her, after I burned down our home. To hide my powers away from the world, so that no one would try to take me away.

Look how well that turned out.

I collapsed on my new bed for the time being. I might as well suck it up, and get used to the idea that I may never see the outside world again. I'm stuck here, and all because I may or may not have total control over my powers.

I frowned, well I'm just going to have to prove Dr. Nerd-I mean Dr. Marshall wrong. I'm just going to have to prove that I'm the best freaking fire bender in the world! I smiled at the thought. This is going to be fun.

A yawn escaped, and I was immediately hit with the fact that these last two days have been exhausting. It wasn't long before my eyes started to drift close, and darkness took over.

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