Chapter 7

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Holly POV

I'm standing there just staring at everyone. I guess I look bad so I looked down at what I was weaing. I was wearing a crop top with the British flag on it and shorts. What's wrong with that!?

Whatever I'm not in the mood to talk to them! After what they said. Imagine if I didn't walk in. I just would've been hurt even more. I've been through so much.... Why would they want to add on to it? Calm down Holly.. They don't know.. They don't know what you've been through and is going through, they don't know.......

What if they do! I mean they had access to my files... I figured Paul would've ... I wander if the boys know everything I've been through and pretending they don't so they can see my pain.

This is a shame. I knew they was no good! And I was going to trust them.

"What's up?" Paul broke the silence. I swear I saw a smirk on the shaved head guy .

"Ummmm Nothing! Just a bit hungry, y'know?" Ahah. Who am I kidding. They wouldn't know, they didn't feed me. Duhhh

The curly haired guy popped up and smiled. "What would you like sweetie!" His green eyes are like orbs to your soul. I swear I melted.

"A-a pancakes?" Way to go.

He nodded and I guess went in the kitchen. So I went and sat on the couch. Of course ill sit by Paul. He is the only one that hasn't hurt me.

"My name is Niall by the way!" The blonde so called Niall said.

I just shook my head in his direction. Not wanting to talk to the jerks that only adopted me of an image and not for love.

"I'm Liam"


"Louis. But call me lou!!"

"And Harry is in the kitchen making pancakes for you " Liam said

I shook my head again. Why don't they get the hint I don't want to walk to them? Gahhhh. I know they aren't stupid. I guess Paul was the only one that noticed cause he had a smirk haha. Oh Paul. You crack me up. Even though he can't me me. Thought he might wanna know!

Harry can in with my pancakes. Bloody hell. They was bigger than the plate! Wow. And there was 3 of they! I can only eat a half of half of a half!! That was nice of him but I don't eat a lot due to being in a orphanage n all!

I saw Niall eyeing up my pancakes. Ahah.

I finished the piece I was going to eat and offered him them. He seemed hungry.

"No! I'm not going to take your food lovely!" He said

I explained how that was all I was going to eat. And them he took them

Finally. May I have more than one friend!? Well... I don't know... Does Paul count as a friend or a fatherly figure to me and the boys? Or can he count as both

Niall POV

I wanted to say thank you for the pancakes but she seemed like she was thinking real hard so I just left it. I found myself staring at her. Hard. She's beautiful and I hope she knows that. If she doesn't I will make sure she knows. She finally snaps out of it and sees me staring at her. Oops. I turn away. I'm sure I'm blushing.

Who would blush if you are talking to a beautiful girl?! Or in my case staring at her.

Wow. I probably sound like a stalker. Good thing I'm not talking lol! 😂

Harry POV ( for the first time I think )

I saw Niall looking at Holly like she was his princess and he wasn't going to let her go. I think we all noticed it.

To bad. Holly is mine. I saw her first... Maybe. She beautiful. I want to call her mine.

The boys think when I get a girl all we do is sex. Well they are wrong. I wouldn't pressure her into anything she didn't want to do. I just don't know how people could hate her or put her up for adoption....

I don't.

Too beautiful to hate





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