Two - Playing Favorites

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Remember what I said in Chapter 1 that Gaia, Ouranos and their 18 children were a happy family? Well I was wrong. You see, Ouranos didn't like his Cyclopes and Hecatonchires children. So he locked them away in the depths of Earth. This made Gaia reeeeaally upset. So she made a sickle (a type of sword) of stone, and gathered the Titans. She said that one of them should go and kill Ouranos, because what he did was too much. All of them were scared, except her youngest son, Cronus. So when Ouranos met with Gaia, Cronus sneaked up behind him, and stabbed him. As his bled, it rained hard... like the monsoon season. And when Ouranos' blood fell into the ocean, a beautiful, radiant being emerged. Her name is Aphrodite... and I'll get to that later on. So with Ouranos gone, the age of Titans began.

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