Five - Settling In.. Kind Of

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So now that the age of Titans is over, the age of Olympians begin. Now here's something interesting that the Olympian brothers did... Zeus Poseidon and Hades were drawing straws. The one who would get the longest straw would rule over the skies, the other deities, and basically EVERYTHING. The one with the middle sized straw would rule over the oceans. And the one with shortest straw would rule the underworld, which is another word for the kingdom of the dead. And the results were in... Zeus got the longest straw, therefore being the supreme deity, Poseidon got the middle straw, and Hades got the shortest straw... So now Zeus married that nymph Metis, and she was pregnant. But Gaia comes with another prediction. It was that Zeus' son will overthrow him the same way he overthrew Cronus. And because of that he decided to EAT his wife. It was not that kind of a "eat your wife", but more like "absorbing your wife's spirit"... so she's still alive, but in a very different way. Sometime later, Zeus gets a SPLITTING headache. It's so painful, that he gets one of his doctors to literally split his head. And out came Athena, fully dressed for war. I imagine their first conversation to go like this:
Athena: Hi Dad, sorry for the pain.
Athena (looks away): Oh nothing...
Zeus (scowls at her): So what's your name.
Athena: I'm Athena, the goddess of wisdom, strategic parts of war, handicrafts, jus-
Zeus: I GET IT! I get it... all those intellectual thingies.
Athena:You got it.
(Awkward silence)
Athena: So...what's for dinner?
So after losing Metis, he marries Hera, and has 2 sons, Ares and Hephaestus. But after he spots Leto, he gets twins Artemis and Apollo. Then Zeus gets together with Maia (it rhymes with Gaia, in case you can't read it) and comes Hermes. And lastly Zeus has an affair with the mortal Semele, and gets Dionysus. But the "going out with other ladies" thing doesn't stop with Semele... and just so you know he did all this while he was married to Hera. Oh and remember in Chapter 2 a beautiful girl called Aphrodite came from the ocean? Well she made her way to Mount Olympus, and gained her place...Now there are many more stories to tell, but that for another time... but before I end this story, I would like you to see me in the very last page.

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