Four - The Titanomachy

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The war was on. The Olympians were already losing (well of course... there are 6 Olympians and 12 Titans). So they decided to release the Cyclopes from their prison. It turns out they are very good blacksmiths, the Olympians found out. The Cyclopes made a very special weapon for Zeus, as a sign of gratitude... it was thunder bolts!! The Olympians started gaining a little more power but still not enough. So they released the Hecatonchires... and that was just powerful enough to scare away the Titans.... I think there's not enough story, so I'll give it to you... on the battlefield Zeus, desperate and wounded, dragged himself to the prison of the Hecatonchires.
", Briareus, Kottos, and Gyges, I-" Zeus started
"After years of being locked up, someone finally comes to see us." Kottos says, quite grumpily, "What do you want?"
"Please help me. My father has eaten my siblings long ago and I want revenge for this." Zeus says, ". He should not have been afraid of his fate." he rolled his eyes.
Then he asked, "So will you help me?"
Gyges says even more grumpily "And why should we help you youngsters?"
"Because I will give you your freedom." Zeus replied stoutly.
Kottos and Gyges looked over to Briareus, with an expression that says, what do we do now? Briareus understood that, and said to Zeus, "Young one, we do not want want freedom, we want respect. Everyone rejected our companionship because of how we look." said Briareus,"All we need is the respect." he repeated.
"Very well" said Zeus "But does that mean you'll help me?"
The 3 Hecatonchires bent down and discussed for a minute, then they replied, "Kid, we'll join your side" said Briareus"But, things will turn out bad for you if we don't get what you promised."
Zeus said under his breath "I don't make any promises.".
The group made their way up to the land of living, to the war that was still going on.
"Ahhhh!!! What is THAT ?!?!" Poseidon shrieked
"Relax, they're going to help us defeat the Titans." Zeus said coolly
"But how?" Demeter asked
Kottos said proudly "We'll throw rocks at them!"
"Seriously? Throwing a bunch of rocks? Is that all you've got?" said Hera
Briareus said "Trust us. We got this."
They raced off to the battlefield and were greeted with the same reaction as Poseidon. Then they started hurling MASSIVE boulders at the Titans. "Run for your lives!!!" Atlas, the leader of the Titan rebellion, yelled. The Titans scattered as they sought for shelter.
"Is that the last of the Titans we sent to Tartarus?" Zeus asked Hades
"Yes, I locked them all up. Except Prometheus and Epimethes, since you told me not to." Hades replied
"And tell the Hecatonchires-" Zeus started
"Tell the Hecatonchires what?" Gyges said, bursting in
"Ah, you're here. Please gather your brothers because I have some news to tell you." Zeus said to Gyges
So when all of the Hecatonchires came, Hades left Zeus to talk to them
"YOU WILL DO WHAT ?!?!" shouted Briareus, "After all we've done for you, you make us the guards of the TITANS ?!"
"Calm down Briareus" Zeus says soothingly, "It's not a bad job, you'll be respected as you wanted to be."
"And how may I ask?" Kottos asked impatiently
"Well for one thing it's that you'll be esteemed..... ummmmm...because of.... uhhhhh... your dignity?" Zeus stammered
Kottos laughed and said, "What you said doesn't make sense."
"Face it. There's nothing good about being a guard." Gyges says, smirking at Zeus' humiliated face.
Briareus, who was quiet the whole time after his outburst, said "Let's give it a go."
Gyges and Kottos turned to look at him with surprise. Then they both started to talk at once about how absurdly he was talking.
"Shut up the both of you!" Briareus yelled at them, "I was thinking that the reason is because, if one of those precious Titans try escaping, we can get them, and be heroes."
Kottos and Gyges looked at each other, discussed this idea, and nodded.
Then Gyges said, "Zeus we accept your offer to be guards inTartarus, to watch the Titans."
Zeus breathed a sigh of relief and said, "good, good. I'm glad you took this chance."
Now moving on to part 5

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