Do You Like Him?

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[3rd Person POV]

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" Yotsuba bows her head in apology.

(Y/N) couldn't stop himself from blushing from Yotsuba's unexpected hug.

"I-It's okay, Yotsuba." (Y/N) said it bashfully.

"Ara Ara, Did that excite you, (Y/N)-kun?" Ichika with a smirk.

"I didn't, I swear!" (Y/N) is panicking.

"I'm so sorry again, Shoyo-san." Yotsuba raises her head as she turns her attention to Ichika. 
"Ichika, I'll wait for you outside." Yotsuba sprinted fast as she heads out the door.

"She's really an interesting person." (Y/N) sweat-drops.

"That's how she really is, she is a very active girl." Ichika laughs.

"I wonder what are her other sisters' personalities." (Y/N) thought to himself.

"I'm gonna go home now, (Y/N)-kun, Stay safe." Ichika heads towards the door.


"What is it, (Y/N)-kun?" Ichika turns her back as she has a curious look.

(Y/N) stands from his seat as he pulls out his phone. He walks closer to Ichika with nervousness.

"Is something wrong, (Y/N)-kun?"

"Line ID."


"C-Can we exchange Line IDs?"


"I-Is it a no?"

"Ara Ara, Are you hitting on me?" Ichika teases him.

"N-No! I was just..." (Y/N) blushes

"Hahahaha, It was just a joke." Ichika laughs. "But sure, I'll send you messages when I get home." 

(Y/N) and Ichika exchanged Line IDs, they can freely call and text each other.

After that, (Y/N) and Ichika say goodbye to each other. Ichika walks towards her home with only Yotsuba.

"It's such a shame that all five of us couldn't go home together."

"Yup, Nino is hanging out with her friends, Miku already went home as she is excited to play the new game she bought, and Itsuki is at the school's library to study.

"Is that so, huh?" Ichika releases a sigh.




"Do you like him?" Yotsuba asked with a curious look



"Ah yes, he may be shy to other people, but he is a nice person."

"I meant like like him." 

"W-What? He is just a friend." Ichika was caught off guard when Yotsuba asked her that question.

"Is that so huh."

"What made you even think of that?"

"It's because if you married Shoyo-san, he can legally be my brother." Yotsuba with a smile.

"What?!" Ichika blushed by Yotsuba's comments. Ichika doesn't like like (Y/N). Ichika just saw him as a little brother and that's it. 

"Y-Yotsuba, I can't just marry him for that reason...." Ichika sweat-drops.

"Awww fine, It's just that I always wanted to have a brother."

"I know, but...."

Ichika is in deep thoughts, she's imagining something, and that something is about the married life of (Y/N) and Ichika.

Ichika's Imagination

An adult version of Ichika unlocks the door, went inside a house. She saw an adult version of (Y/N) cooking in the kitchen.

"I'm back." A tired Ichika because of work.

"Welcome home, Ichika! Dinner is almost ready!"

Later, the food at the table are Rice, Tofu, Salad, Fried Chickens, and Ichika's favorite, Shiokara.

"Itadakimasu." (Y/N) and Ichika said it in unison. Both of them are digging in their dinner. The dinner was delicious.

After dinner, (Y/N) was cleaning the dishes as Ichika is sitting on the couch looking tired from her work.

She closes her eyes.

"Ichika, are you tired? you can go to sleep you know." 

"No, I'm fine." She opens her eyes.

"Alright then."

(Y/N) tackled Ichika in the coach. (Y/N) was at top of her.

"W-W-What are you doing?" Ichika has redness on her face, her heart is beating really fast.

"Well, since you said you aren't tired, we might as well do this." (Y/N) takes off his t-shirt, making him shirtless.

"W-W-What." Ichika and (Y/N) are married but Ichika isn't used to this.

(Y/N) whispers to Ichika's ear.

"I Love You."

Ichika was blushing madly as she was breathing through her mouth, she was nervous.

(Y/N) is now being close to Ichika's face. She can tell he's gonna kiss her. Her heartbeat is super fast by (Y/N)'s sudden actions.

                                                                        Back to Reality

"N-No, (Y/N)-kun." Ichika said it with a quiet voice. She was covering her face with her hands. She redness on her face.

Yotsuba turns her attention to Ichika when she heard her about something. She saw Ichika covering her face with her hands.

"S-Stop, P-Please stop.."

"Stop what? Ichika, are you okay?" Yotsuba said it with concern on her voice.

Ichika snaps out of her thoughts, Ichika uncovers her face as she saw Yotsuba looking at her. She looks away in embarrassment.

"What's on your mind? Your face is red." 

"S-Sorry, I guess I watched too much drama." She later awkwardly laughs.


Hey, it's Author-kun, I would first like to apologize about this chapter, it's very questionable. I only did it because the chapter was short like 250-300 words, so the idea came up to me and now it's longer.

If something is wrong, correct me and I'll fix it.

Feel free to criticize me so I can improve.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

Doki Doki (Ichika Nakano x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now