Are You Free?

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[3rd Person POV].

"You feel like Ichika is avoiding you?"


"What did you do to her?" A confused Yotsuba

"I don't know, she told me earlier that she roots for me and Itsuki." A tint of redness appears on (Y/N)'s face as he remembered what happened yesterday.

"Is it because of your date with Itsuki?!" A lightbulb appears above Yotsuba's head.

"As I said, I wouldn't call it a date..." (Y/N) sweat-drops.

"Does that mean.....Ichika likes him?!" Yotsuba exclaimed in her thoughts.

(Y/N) pinches his chin, as he tries to think about what he had done that he made Ichika avoid him.

"So.... If Ichika likes Shoyo-san.....So when they get married, Shoyo-san can legally be my little brother!" Yotsuba grins as she is in her thoughts.

(Y/N) noticed Yotsuba's grinning. "Is there something on your mind?" (Y/N) with a curious look.

"Yeah! I'm excited to have nieces and nephews!" Yotsuba giving (Y/N) a big smile.

"Aren't you too early for your age to think of that...." (Y/N) sweat-drops by the comment made by Yotsuba.

"Anyways, you really don't know the reason why Ichika is avoiding you?"

"I don't know, I just want things to go back to normal." (Y/N) said with no hesitation.

"Shoyo-san, you are dense like the other anime protagonists..." Yotsuba sighs.

"What do you mean?" A confused (Y/N).

"Nothing, but I have an idea!"

"What is it?"

"Would you do anything for Ichika?" Yotsuba wanted something from (Y/N), as she wants to confirm something.

"Of course, anything for a friend!" (Y/N) said it with no hesitation.

"Good, because I have a plan."

"Tell me." (Y/N) eagerly wanting to hear Yotsuba's plan.

"Since tomorrow is Saturday, you must go to the amusement park with her!" (Y/N) can see stars in Yotsuba's eye.

"How would that even work..." (Y/N) with a deadpanned face.

"Mouuu, I thought you wanted to make it up to Ichika." Yotsuba looks away with a pout.

(Y/N) was thinking for a moment, Yotsuba is right, if he wants Ichika to stop avoiding him, he should follow her plan.

"Fine..." (Y/N) sighs in defeat.

"Then call her right now!" Yotsuba turns back her attention to him as she points her index finger at him.

"Now?!" (Y/N) was surprised.

"Just do it!" 

The Nakano Household.


Ichika was in her room, her room is a mess. Full of clothes and things on the floor. Ichika is known in her family is that she is bad at cleaning. Her room looks like some uncivilized land.

Ichika was staring herself in the mirror, she was practicing her acting skills. Her dream is to be a famous actress.

"I wonder if my voice is flexible enough to play any character that is given to me." A pondered Ichika.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Ichika hears her phone's ringtone, she picks it up on her table. She saw (Y/N)'s name on her phone. She widens her eyes.

"Should I answer (Y/N)-kun's call... even if I tried to avoid him earlier..." Ichika felt guilty. She tightens her grip on her phone. She didn't know if she should answer his call.

Ichika later accidentally tapped the answer button.

"Hello? Ichika?"


"Are you there?" 


"Ah! Hello Ichika!"

"(Y/N)-kun, what is it?"

"I called if you are free tomorrow."

"I am free tomorrow, why?"

"Let's spend time together tomorrow!"

[Ichika POV]

Spending time with (Y/N)-kun.....huh?


What the hell am I blushing for?!

He couldn't, he already have Itsuki-chan! Don't tell me.....(Y/N)-kun is a two-timer?!

I can't accept this, does he even think about Itsuki-chan's feelings?! I cant... I can't even be his number one...

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)-kun... I'm afr-"

"If you're mad at me because of the so-called 'date' between me and Itsuki, there's nothing between us, we're just friends." He interrupts me.

After he just said that to me, for some reason, I felt.....relieved. I wonder what's wrong with me, why should I even be relieved!

"So...what do you say?"







1k Reads! Thank you so much!

It just gives me more motivation to write more chapters.

Anyways, feel free to criticize me so I can improve

Thank you for reading this chapter!

Doki Doki (Ichika Nakano x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now