Let Her Go

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[3rd Person POV]

"Listen here, I want you to climb back to your car and get out of here. The next time I see you bothering her, I will hurt you. I don't give a shit how many witnesses there are."

"(Y/N)-kun! Why are you saying that to him?! He didn't even do anyt-

"Oh no, I'm late! My girlfriend is gonna kill me!" Some guy in the crowd is sprinting.

That guy was sprinting and accidentally hitting (Y/N) that which caused him to fall on the ground. "Sorry, dude!" He didn't even look back, all we know he is seriously late for the festival.

(Y/N) is on the floor because of the impact from getting hit by that guy. "Watch where you're going!" As (Y/N) is getting up, the moment he is going to have a chat with the man again, the mustachioed man and Ichika are gone.

"You've got to be kidding me!" (Y/N) expressed his frustration. That is one of the worst timings he experienced in his life.

(Y/N) then searched for her again. He tried to call her, but she doesn't answer any of his calls.

He is getting more frustrated, it's better if he doesn't see the mustachioed man, all he ever wanted to see Ichika and take her to her sisters to watch the festival together.

As (Y/N) is about to make one last call to Ichika, someone suddenly whispered in his ear.

"Thank goodness I found you, (Y/N)-kun." It was Ichika who whispered to him.


Ichika puts her finger to his lips to try to make him quiet. She then grabs his arm as she pulls him. "Over here."

She seems to be in a rush as she is pulling (Y/N) into a place.

"Did you see the fireworks? Aren't they awesome?" Ichika trying to conversate with (Y/N) at a wrong time.

"Why aren't you with your sisters? Where are we even going?" (Y/N) questions her with confusion.

"Just come with me." Ichika smiles at him as to try to convince him not to worry about things.

The next thing that has happened, is (Y/N) and Ichika are now at an alley.

Ichika unexpectedly does the kabedon or slapping the wall to him, because of that, (Y/N)'s back is touching the wall out of surprise.

"Anyway, don't tell anyone about what happened earlier. I can't watch the fireworks with the rest of you."

"Why? What happened?"

"I just got called in for urgent work. So I can't watch the fireworks."


"Besides, y'know, we all look the same. It won't matter if one of us isn't there." She says as she stops the kabedon.

"Hold on, what work? Since when did you have work?" It seems Ichika hasn't told everything to (Y/N).

Ichika widens her eyes as she felt like she got caught by (Y/N). Ichika then had an idea to try to change the subject.

"Also, (Y/N)-kun, since when did you start threatening people?! He didn't even do anything wrong!"

"I...uh...." Now (Y/N) is screwed even though she only did it to try to change the subject about her work.

"I'm so disappointed in you, the way you acted earlier felt like that's not the (Y/N)-kun that I know." She turns her back on him as she pouts.

"Ichika-tan, I'm sorry! I didn't know what came over me..."

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