13. Andalusian Morning

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Louis' pov:

The bright and warm sunlight came through the windows and woke me up. Silence surrounded me and i let out a happy sigh. A certain scent reached my nose and i opened my eyes slightly to see the most beautiful human being laying in my arms. Harry's skin seemed to be glowing in golden lights and the black outlines of his tattoos were a nice contrast to it. Comfortable warmth spread where our bodies touched and i smiled at him lovingly. His chest slowly rose and fell, he was still in a deep sleep, his hair looked soft and it began to curl again as it was growing longer. I ran my fingers through it and inhaled his unique, heavenly scent. How on earth did i get so lucky?

After ten more minutes Harry began to stir in his sleep and woke up. His gorgeous green eyes looked at me and i couldn't suppress a grin.

"Good morning, Haz", i greeted him softly and he responded by huffing and cuddling up closer. A laugh left my mouth. He hid his head in my chest sleepily and murmured something inaudible but eventually spoke up.

"Morning, Lou", he whispered and lifted his head to meet my lips with his. After a short kiss we seperated again and looked at each other.

"It's quiet", Harry remarked after a moment and smiled.

"Yes", i simply said.

"No screaming fans. No chaotic orders. No people rushing around us", he listed.

"Yeah. Just the sun, you and me and the silence of an andalusian morning", i pointed out and caressed his back.

"Beautiful. I could get used to this. We haven't even been here for a whole day and i already know this was the right decision", Harry voiced what i thought so i only nodded in agreement.

"And we've still got three weeks here. It's a nice change."

"That it is. Let's see how long we can lay here like this before somebody knocks on that door", the curly-headed challenged, grinning widely.

"Alright. And until someone comes to disturb us i'll just cuddle my love and enjoy every second of it", i announced and he nodded.

"Do that. I'll do the same, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I love you", i smiled lovingly and leaned in to kiss him again.

"And i love you", Harry replied right before our lips locked.

A loud knock at the door woke us form our cuddly, lazy, dreamy state 30 minutes later and after a moment we heard Lottie's voice.

"Are you guys awake?", she asked and we replied with "hm". A lighthearted laugh was audible.

"Great. Mum says they've got breakfast ready. If i were you i'd get up before the little ones have eaten everything", she told us and then left again.

Harry and i sighed in sync and looked at each other. Then we laughed.

"Time to get up i guess. Ready?", Harry mumbled and i nodded.

"Ready. Let's grab some food before we have to starve", i said and with that we got up, put on some shorts and t-shirts and made our way towards the kitchen, from where we could already hear conversation and laughter. It sounded like the house had woken up.


And because it has been so long and both chapters are very short...

DOUBLE - UPDATE today!!!

I hope you liked it and since i don't really have anything else to say...

See you / read you in the next chapter!

STAY SAFE!!! 💚💙💛🧡❤️



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