15. We Made It - Farewell

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Louis' pov:

A week later we arrived in Norway. There we didn't share one big house but a few smaller ones. It looked like a tiny village in the middle of nature. The surroundings were absolutely beautiful and i could have sworn, i had never been to a more quiet and peaceful place. It was a lot colder here than in Spain but we didn't mind.
Our families stayed with us for 3 days before they decided to leave, so us boys could have some more alone time, as they had phrased it.

Over the next four days we enjoyed every single bit of nature around us. From the early morning swims in the freezing cold river near by over the forest and it's animals to the warm sunshine lighting up the little clearing the houses were built on. It was magical and i had never been more relaxed in my life.

Harry and i were more in love than ever and everything had finally settled in place. The boys and i also wrote some new music, drawing inspiration from the peace and happiness around us and for once it actually felt good to be creating new stuff, regarding the fact that we weren't under pressure and we could take as much time as we wanted.

After the week in Norway we weren't ready to separate yet, so Liam had the idea of going back to Ireland and pay a visit to the Cliffs of Moher, since he was a huge Harry Potter fan and Zayn agreed on the spot, Niall, Harry and I obviously decided to join them as well, Niall would also be able to go home after that, given that he lived in Ireland.

It wasn't before we were standing on top of the cliffs, looking down at the scenery they had used for a part of the sixth Harry Potter film, that i suddenly remembered something. The wind was practically blowing us away, the sea beneath us was wild and big waves crashed against the rocks of the reef. Just like a few years ago. The boys were here with me, just like a few years ago. What was different, however, was that i could feel Harry's hand in mine. A few years ago we had had a good distance between us and we also hadn't been as happy as we were right now.

I remembered how broken and alone i had felt. How sad, heartbroken i had been. And i knew Harry had felt the same way but we hadn't been able to fix things. Because we hadn't been allowed to. In fact, all of us had been in a far more gloomy mood than we were now. It must have been very difficult for the rest of the boys, having to witness mine and Harry's relationship fall apart, to be within reach of us at those tough moments, but nonetheless they had been there with us and had helped us through and now we were all back here, stronger than ever.

I looked over at Harry. His gaze was already on me, an emotional smile tugging at his lips. He was thinking the same thing, i could tell.

"Look at where we are now", i said.
"Years ago we said 'would have been nice to come here as a couple' ... and now... we're back here. As a couple. Far more, we're engaged", i recalled his words from all those years ago and a knowing smile appeared on his face.
"I know. And we are happy. So much happier than we were back then. We've truly come a long way", Harry answered quietly and we all took a deep breath, feeling totally at peace.

"We're in a good place now", Niall stated and we agreed.
"Yeah, it feels full circle now", Liam added.
"Yes. Yes it does. We made it", Zayn spoke with so much finality and cofidence, that it was enough to convince all of us. Hell yes, we made it. We really did. And i was one hundred percent positive that the others we just as excited for our future as a band, best friends and partners as i was.

We took a few pictures to remember this day and the feeling of utter freedom and happiness and when Harry and i posted one on Instagram later to announce our engagement, we only got good responses and wishes in return.

For us five, the world was finally ok again and we couldn't wait what's more to come.

The End


Sooo... that's it guys!!!😊
An end to a story that took me really long to finish but now we finally got here!
I am personally very happy with the ending and i hope you guys like it as well.

I'm so so sorry you had to wait this long to get the last chapter, i didn't have time, motivation or ideas to write this and i am also working on a much bigger project (no, it isn't another FF, sorry, though it has something to do with writing), so it just felt good and right for me to end this story here and to at least give you a proper and official ending because i really didn't want to leave it open. :)

I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me throughout the journey of writing this story, thank you all for your reads and votes and comments, it means the world to me.

I am incredibly proud of the ammount of reads we have reached so far and i obviously hope to see the numbers increase. ;)

Now, i'm bad at goodbyes and it feels very strange to NOT write a "see you/read you in the next chapter" here but as we know : Everything that's good comes to an end. And so has this story today. I'll leave you here with this quote and wish you all the best.

I hope you enjoyed the story and maybe i'll write another one, one day. Who knows. But for now:

Thank you guys. Goodbye. All the love.

EDIT: THANK YOU FOR 33K reads!!!

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