6. The Truth

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A/N: This one is dedicated to walls09020 since they asked me to update again and i'm very thankful for that because i would have taken much longer if they didn't kind of pressure me so yeah, thank you and this one is for you! Have fun reading!


The evening after the Late Late Show had been very funny when they went back to James' place and they had had a great time with their friend again. They had told him about a few things they were planning and he supported them in every single one of their decisions. Right after that evening the boys had been off to the rest of their promo tour and it was all done now. The last interview had ended an hour ago and the lads were sitting in a plane back to LA at the moment.

They had agreed on spending the next week together before their tour would kick off and since they all were closer than ever and didn't mind each others company at all they were all fine with it. Their families were going to come down as well and visit them for two days. They would arrive tomorrow so they had the whole day to themselves to relax and to prepare everything.
But there was one more thing that they wanted to do, which was very important to them.

Today was the 28th of september. Their documentary was going to be released in five hours and then it would be time to spill the whole truth. They had decided to make a documentary about what had happened in the past, with their old management, on how they had treated them, the lads wanted to talk about their mental health and issues they had to deal with during that time as well and they had also agreed to tell the truth about the whole 'Zayn leaving the band' situation.

All in all it was a very sad and dark documentary but the fans needed to know the truth, the boys wanted the world to know the truth about their band so everyone would stop guessing on what had happened. But the happy part of the documentary would be that they were out of that bad place and the contracts now, they didn't even had to do something about it because the contract had ended when they were still on their hiatus and they were all happier and more themselves right now than they had ever been.

The mood inside of the plane was weird at the moment. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable though. It's just that Liam was currently sleeping, Zayn was drawing something while he was talking to his family and girlfriend over the phone and Niall was eating something and playing the guitar, writing a few new tunes. Louis and Harry were half asleep half awake and were sharing a blanket in the back of the plane whilst cuddling. Paul Higgins, their bodyguard they had managed to get back on board, was doing whatever on his iPad and his son and daughter, who had annoyed him until he had allowed them to join him on his trip with the boys, were playing chess while some music was playing in the background and their feet were on the table. So you could say the mood was weird.

When they arrived in LA the sun was shining and they all made their way to Louis' house. Paul and his kids said goodbye to them and the lads sat down in the living room. They didn't speak much but words weren't necessary at the moment. They put on the television and watched their documentary, a sigh of relief and happiness escaped all of their mouths when it was over. The world now knew the whole truth about One Direction and there was just one more thing to do. Harry spoke up.

"It's time now, isn't it?"
The others nodded and sat up a bit straighter. Louis got his laptop and an USB-stick and plugged it in. He opened the saved video message and pressed play. The screen showed Harry and Louis sitting on the couch in Louis living room. They sat very close together and looked comfortable and supported each other in form of holding hands. Then they began to talk.

"Hello Directioners and everyone who has waited for this moment to happen all those years. Today we have released our new documentary on how our life in the band was really like when we were signed with Syco and Modest!Management. We told you that they treated us very poorly. We told you that our mental health wasn't taken care of enough and nobody cared that we were overworked. We also told you that they just wanted our money and we never had time to breath and relax and to wrap our heads around what was happening to us when we rose to fame that fast. We told you how it came about that Zayn had to leave the band and what happened during hiatus and how this reunion came along and we wanted to thank you all for everything you fans have done for us and for the incredible support you have shown us all the time and still do. But there is one more thing we want to say and tell the whole truth about. And i think you lot already know what's coming now just because it's only me and Harry sitting here and talking to you. This statement should have been made so long ago already that it's time now to tell you the truth" Louis started and Harry took over. They looked at each other first, then nodded and the curly-haired one began to talk.

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