12. Vacation

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After their christmas break the five guys met again and were off to continue their freedom-tour. New Year came around and before the show started that night, the guys met with all of their families backstage. It was a joy for all of them to see each other again after such a long time and the afternoon was very funny and heartwarming.

The five men had decided to thank all of them once again for always being there for them and for everything everyone had done for them, to help and to support them. So one day they had discussed ideas but the only thing they came up with that they thought would fit best was a vacation for all of them to spend together. Time off and peace and quiet were so rare for them in their career that they loved being with their families once they had the time for it. Now they had booked a three weeks trip to a tranquil place, on the countryside of andalusia, where they'd be able to enjoy the sun and to relax. There were also a few attractions around and activities they could do but most importantly what wasn't and hopefully wouldn't be there : people. They wanted something to completely shut themselves off from the world and that felt like a perfect opportunity.
After that three weeks in spain they would fly to norway and spent another week there, to have a contrast between warmer and colder regions.

When they told their families about it, everyone was happy and excited and even though they all said it wasn't necessary and that they'd always have each others backs the guys were grateful for everything and proud that they could give back to all of them.

The show after that went perfectly well and the boys even played a yet unreleased song, a new single, called "Here's to Love, Here's to Freedom". The fans loved it and were able to sing the second chorus with them already which made it even more meaningful and mesmerising. Their fans were just the best people ever!

They also included Ready To Run in their setlist and dedicated it to Simon and that they had finally ran from him. That evoked general amusement and caused the mood to go through the open roof of the stadium.

The next months went the same and all of them were happy to be be back on the road. The five lads could joke about everything, had fun in interviews and jumped around on stage more carefree than ever.

When autumn came around the tour was over and the guys enjoyed a few days at their seperate homes before they met again and were off to spain with all their families. When they arrived in andalusia the weather was warm but not as hot as during summer. A big beautiful, one-story, white house would be their home for the next three weeks. Three sides of the house surrounded an open area that lead to a big pool and a wide field which was bordered by white fences and that would probably serve as a football pitch most of the time. The front of the house was decorated with red and yellow flowers and the whole building was pretty modern inside. Everything was in light colours, there were big windows and an open living room/kitchen space. After it had been decided who would sleep in which room everyone met in the kitchen and any eatable thing was dumped onto the big table. Then the chaos began and in no time a food fight was going on between the band members and their siblings.

The parents just withdrew themselves from the situation and watched their 'children' having fun. It had been a long time and they were just happy for them, which was why they didn't forbid their younger children to join the food fight with their siblings. Everyone just enjoyed the mood.
When the hungry stomachs were filled and the energy had subsided a little, everyone just did their own, individual things.

The band guys went out to play football, Gemma, Lottie and Fizzy went sunbathing and were soon joined by Ruth and Nicola. Poebe and Daisy jumped into the pool and played with Doris and Ernest. Safaa, Waliyha and Doniya were talking amongst themselves and seemed to be quite secretive about something.
Greg had joined his little brother's team and played football with the band. All of the parents sat somewhere and talked or read or slept after the flight.

When the day slowly died down the mums had prepared a fancy dinner, they had gone crazy in the big kitchen, and called everyone inside. The room was crowded but all of them fit somewhere and the food was delicious.
The youngest were off to bed shortly after that and when the five band guys decided to call it a day around 1 am they were the last to go to bed. Everyone fell asleep right away.


Yeeeaaahhhh so here i am!!! I'm back again!
Sorry it took me so long to update, i didn't have time to write and i was out of ideas but now i've got one more thing i want to write before i finish this story. And that means... there will be a few more chapters!

This one is short, i know and i'm sorry, i don't know how long the next ones will be but at least something's coming.

The next chapter will be from one of the boy's point of view.

I hope you don't mind but that'll be easier to write sooo... hope you enjoyed this one and see you / read you in the next one!

STAY SAFE!!! 💚💙💛🧡❤️


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