❁ཻུ۪۪ love languages ! hcs :{ multichatacter }

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a/n : the way I just published this chapter by accident wtf // i wasnt readyy yet im sorry for the notif 😭

world trigger character love languages! ( how they express & like to receive love )

!! please do remember that these are still just headcanons so it's how I perceive them to be !!

character list ( already written for )

Yuuichi Jin

Miwa Shuuji

Kazama Soya


❀ Tachikawa Kei

❀ Yoneya Yosuke

❀ Yuzuru Ema

scroll down to read for their hcs!

♤ character requests: closed ! 

- ^ thank you for the requests !  , I'm closing them because this chapter has almost 3k words LMAO

- these are what I'm basing on !

- these are what I'm basing on !

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Words of Affirmation & Physical touch

( an ass man btw, don't fight me on this it's canon - he's def touchy idc )

• when jin's teasing you, he would definitely mess up your hair

• he gives the best head pats too, one time is enough for you to beg for more

• huuge cuddle bug, if you guys both live in Tamakoma he begs to sleep with you in your room, also because his room is full of fried rice crackers 🙄 )

• jin's a heavy sleeper, literally impossible to wake up, like he does. not. move. an. inch, it's like talking to stone 🗿, it doesn't matter that you're gonna be late for school, his hands are wrapped tight around you, you're stuck with him until he wakes up

"Baby, stop moving, let's sleep in for a little more "

"Jin, I need to go now. "

*proceeds to wrap his hand around you tighter and buries his head to your neck* ( you missed class in the end, but you don't regret it, I mean look at this baby 🥺)

• did I mention he'll be super sweet with nicknames? definitely calls you "baby", "princess", "pretty girl" , "gorgeous"

• on another note, Jin has a heavy burden on him all the time due to his side effect. all he needs is a lil' comfort, someone to tell him everything's going to be okay, and that no matter the outcome, it's not his fault, he tried his best, head on your lap as you play with his hair, he would be in bliss and will probably fall asleep in 5 minutes

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