Arashiyama Jun X Reader // Revenge

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◇ < serious rewriting on : 8/3/2021 >
🙋‍♀️ ( old fic still so beware !! i did my best to make it good ! )

warnings : not smut but kinda nasty LMAO

sypnosis : 

Your boyfriend, the great Arashiyama squad captain, just teased you in front of the whole school, now you've sought for revenge.


You looked up at the building which wrote ' Mikado High School'. Damn, why do I have to go to school instead of training at Border or destroying Neighbours? To skip school, you would've rather been stuck with defence duties. "Midorikawa, you're lucky you don't need to go to school and get to fight in rank wars every day." You mumbled to yourself.

18-year-old you grumbling about going to school was a daily routine, hopefully soon to be over for you were going to graduate next year. Every day, you longed to graduate so that you could be a full-time Border agent. You definitely wouldn't say you were as talented as the talented elite Yuuichi Jin, but certainly, you weren't that far behind with the help of rigorous training and hard work, which once again, did not help the situation at hand, for you had every student's worst enemy -- school.

There you were, a B-class agent who wished so desperately on her life to rank up to be A-rank, just like someone you know.

"______ ! You're gonna be late if you stand at the school gate all day! "your best friend huffed out, tapping you on the shoulder and she ran past you, starting a game of tag.

" I'm coming! " you ran after her, into the school compound and embraced yourself for another boring day. Not expecting today to be anything out of the ordinary-

*Gate opening. Neighbour activity. Gate opening outside of Forbidden Zone*

You paused- Finally! Something interesting is going on! Without a hinge of hesitation, you grabbed your trigger and leapt out through the window.

2 bamsters caught your sight. That ain't that bad, you thought to yourself.

Well, it would be better if the students didn't evacuate right in front of the school.

And whispering around that you were a border agent.

Never mind, you thought to yourself, this was the worst.

"Yep, you're definitely going to be stuck with those rumours for a while." your best friend teased you.

not helping, you sighed

You activated your trigger and pulled out Scorpion. Swiftly moving towards the target and dodging all obstacles, charging straight at the bamster and took aim, running a clean cut through its entire body, slicing it into 2. One down, one more to go.

You turned and diverted your attention to the second one, foot bent and ready to spring into action-

Bullets rained down onto the Bamster's head, completely destroying the Bamster right before your eyes!

"Arashiyama Squad! "

" It's Kitora-san! "

" Satori-san! "

" Arashiyama-san!"

" Tokeida-san!"

"Hey, ____! "you tilted your head to see the captain of Arashiyama squad, known as Arashiyama Jun, lesser-known to be - your boyfriend.

"Hey, Jun!" surprise coating your voice, for you did not expect to see Jun until the weekends.

"Jun! I want to take a picture with you! "

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