Bonus Chapter 01 | Peen enter vagene*

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A/N  the closest thing to physical contact i have had with a m*le was when i was forced to hold hands with one for a group activity in year 7 orientation, 6 years ago, so of this is unrealistic i'm sorry 🙄✋ also it's wattpad so lucas has a big dick duh, (so no complaints) xx

Bonus Chapter | Their first time


6 months after they get together...

The tension in the air is thick, the atmosphere buzzing with heat and charged with desire. Moving away from my lips, Lucas kisses his way down my jaw and my neck until he finds that sweet spot right beneath my ear, he nips the sensitive skin there, softening the harsh sting with a flick of his tongue and I groan at his touch, loving the way his hands are roaming all across my body as he kisses me in that one spot. It's intoxicating, the way he can make me feel with one measly touch. One featherlight kiss from Lucas can ignite a whole fire inside of me, so him kissing me like this is a whole other level.

Warmth surges through me as Lucas continues making his way down my body, undoubtedly leaving marks all across my delicate skin. He's acting like starved man, kissing my body like he can't get enough of me.

He runs his finger on the underside of my boob, toying with the wire of my bra before gazing up at me, asking for silent permission to take it off. I nod, allowing him to unclip the back and free my breasts from the confines of my bra, he chucks it somewhere across the room and his eyes further zero in on my body.

Pulling back slightly he slowly draws he draws his gaze down my almost naked frame, sans the pair of lace black panties I still have on. Pure hunger and adoration flickers in his hazel eyes, the hazel eyes that are more prominently green with lust as of this moment and he lets out a guttural groan at the sight of me.

"Fuck Izzy, you're so beautiful," he murmurs, continuing to take me in appreciatively.

It's crazy how at ease I feel with being able to bare my body to Lucas; it's definitely taken some time but I've come a long way. It also helps that the only thing I'm feeling as of now is pure and utter need for him; it's all my thoughts are revolving around.

Before I even get to reply or begin to squirm under his intense stare, Lucas swoops down and pulls me into another passionate kiss, his hands holding my face as he kisses me slowly and teasingly. His rings press into my cheeks, feeling cool against my face and Lucas presses his body flush against mine. Arousal pools between my legs as I feel his hardness nudge against me and automatically, my thighs spread further apart to make more room for him.

Lucas moves his hips slowly and teasingly against me as we continue kissing, the friction of his jeans rubbing against me in the best possible way. After a while however, he pauses.

"Let me make you feel good, yeah?" Lucas asks against my lips, his voice deep and several octaves lower. "I wanna show how beautiful I think you are.

"Please," is all I can say in response, breathlessly at that, before latching my lips back onto Lucas.

He presses one last haste kiss against my lips before he journeys his way back down my body. He kisses the inside of my thighs and butterflies swarm my lower stomach as he gets closer and closer to my heat. He presses an open mouth kiss over my panties and I immediately buck my hips and let out a quiet groan.

He looks back up at me and I nod, allowing him to pull down my underwear, removing the final piece of clothing to my body.

His eyes dilate the second he takes me in, a string of curse words leaving his mouth as keeps my thighs nudged open with his hands.

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