Bonus Chapter 04 | Graduation

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I wake up thirty minutes before my alarm goes off which means I wake up thirty minutes before Lucas' morning call.

The sun streams through a gap in the curtain, casting my room in a warm summer glow. The muffled sounds of bird tweeting reach my ears as I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes before I make a grab of my phone from my bedside table. Today is June 10th; our high school graduation day.

I had finally turned 18 only a couple of days prior and had spent the day with Lucas, my friends and my family at a barbeque on the beach. It had been a really nice day, with spring finally rolling into summer, the air had been humid but with a nice, cooling breeze.

I had spent the day lounging around on the sand and reading whilst ogling a shirtless Lucas as he, Dylan and Aidan swam in the ocean. The afternoon was then spent eating the barbecue that had been roasting and trying to save Dylan as he almost drowned by swimming too far out into the water. Lucas and I took a stroll along the beach where he gave me my birthday present and we all watched the sunset together into the evening, admiring the reflection of the orange sun lowering itself into the horizon on the water, wrapped up in fluffy beach towels and around a fire. It had been very beautiful. When we got back home, I snuck into Lucas' empty house in the middle of the night and we ended the day in a very special manner, if you know what I mean, winkity wink.

Now, 3 days later it was mine and the gangs' graduation. We were finally done with high school and as much as it was a relief, it was also quite depressing seeing as today marked the end of the past two years we had spent together. It also marked the next stage of our life - we were all splitting up for college with Lucas and I off to Washington, Mia at NYU, Grace at Ohio state and both Aidan and Dylan at Silicon Valley. We were all determined to make this summer the best yet, seeing as it would be our last together, and with lots of planning and yet another binder created from Grace and Mia, our days were going to be jam packed with hanging out with each other at every moment we got, starting straight after graduation with the party that was being held by Linh (Mia's mom) in Mia's backyard.

I climb out of bed, shoving my feet into my fluffy slippers as I shuffle over to the window, tugging the curtain open and simultaneously calling Lucas on the phone. I lean against the window ledge with a knowing smirk as the phone rings.

"Izzy," his low, morning voice rumbles through the phone a moment later, warming me up and sending a flutter through me. "It's 5:35 am."

"I know," I smile.

I hear a rustling as Lucas gets out of bed and watch as his curtain then tuggs open. He rubs a hand over his eyes lazily before he leans against his window ledge, mirroring my position, one hand still holding his phone up to his ear.

Lucas' hair is sticking up adorably in all directions and his eyes are puffy from sleep. He's shirtless and only a pair of black boxers hung low on his hips, the stupid window ledge cutting him off naval down.

"My eyes are not down there baby."

My gaze flickers up to his teasing hazel eyes. "I know," I respond, tipping my chin up defiantly.

He laughs and I bite back a sigh. Man that laugh in that voice. It should be illegal to sound this good this early in the morning. "Why are you calling so early?"

"It's graduation." I reply pointedly.


"So, happy graduation Lucas! We're officially out of highschool wooo!"

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