Bonus Chapter 03 | Izzy's first glug glug*

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A/N feeling a lil generous today so here's smut ;)


"Izzy," Lucas' voice cuts through my book induced haze, drawing my attention away from the story at hand and onto Lucas who is laying on my lap.

"Mm," I murmur in reply, only flicking my eyes down to him for a fleeting moment before returning my gaze back onto the words of my book.

"Izzzyyyyy," he whines, trying to peek his head up from under the book so he can catch my attention again. When I'm yet to reply, Lucas lets out an annoyed huff of breath and reaches up to ultimately grab it out of my hands.

I frown. "Heyyy. What do you want? I was at a good bit."

"What I want is your attention," Lucas quirks an eyebrow, "your nose has been stuck in that fucking book all day."

"Because it's really good," I mutter, running my fingers through Lucas' hair, pushing the strands away from his face. I stroke the side of his temple with my thumb. "You don't see me complaining when you spend all day playing video games."

"That's different," Lucas mumbles indignantly.

"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow. "How so?"

"It just is."

"Yeah, I don't think so."

Lucas pulls a face. "Shut up."

I shake my head. "You're so immature." I smile as I peck his lips upside down. "Are you gonna give my book back now?"

Lucas slides off my lap and sits back up, he brings the book up from behind his back and dangles it in front of my face. I try to grab it but he pulls it higher over my head.

I furrow my eyebrows and try to make a lunge for the book but he only moves it again out of my grasp.

"Hey, no fair."

"You're too slow." Lucas laughs as I try to make another grab and then keeping his eyes on me, he grins and chucks the book right to the edge of the bed.

I try to move forward to get it but before I can, Lucas tackles me down flat onto my back, his right hand keeping my wrists locked over my head. "No book until you give me attention," he teases.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You're impossible."

Letting go of my wrist, Lucas takes a hold of my face in his hands and presses his lips against mine. He begins to kiss me more intensely, a kiss that has me sighing against his mouth as his tongue explores mine.

Before I know if, his shirt is off and my hands are roaming his back and chest and every inch of skin I can reach.

"You said you wanted attention right," I say breathlessly as Lucas moves to kiss my neck.

He makes a humming sound against my skin in what I believe is a yes.

"Well let me give you attention then. You're not giving me a chance to."

"You are though."

I gently lift Lucas' head so he's making eye contact with me. "No, I wanna in other ways."

"What other ways?" He asks confused.

"You know." I raise my eyebrows, "In other ways."

It takes a moment but then his brain catches up to him, slowly an amused expression crosses. "Wait really?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"You sure?"

I nod again and smile. "Yeah."

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