Bonus Chapter 02 | New Years day

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A/N ik this was supposed to be a christmas chapter but i missed the christmas mark :( so i turned it into a new years chapter instead :)

12 years later


"Where is my niece?" Sofia barges past me into the house before I even get the door an inch open.

My eyes widen as she stomps into the foyer. "Calm down Sof, Lucasina isn't going anywhere."

"Lucas," Isabella scolds, coming to stand next to me, our precious little baby bundled up in her arms, "how many times have I told you, her name isn't Lucasina."

Frowning, I cover the ears of my baby over her cloth hat. "Shush, don't say that, she'll get offended."

Izzy rolls her eyes before turning to her mom and grandmother in the doorway. "Hey Ma, abuela, come in."

"Happy New Years sweetheart," Valeria kisses her cheek and then mine before she begins to coo over little May (Lucasina).

Abuela steps inside behind Valeria and squeezes my cheek endearingly. "How are you mijo?"

I smile, shutting the door behind them. "I'm good abuela, how are you?"

My question and reply fall on deaf ears however, as abuela becomes preoccupied with trying to haul May away from Valeria and the two women begin a gentle and silent tug of war with the baby.

"Dios mio," Abuela whisper groans, her eyebrows knitting together. "Mija, let me hold the baby!"

"No! It's my turn!" Valeria whisper argues back, hugging the baby to her chest.

Abuela scowls. "You'll get a longer turn to spend with her! I'm older, I'm going to die before you!" She raises an eyebrow methodically. "She probably won't even remember me!"

Isabella gasps. "Abuela don't say that! Of course she'll remember you," a frown pulls at her lips, "you'd haunt her if she didn't."

I nod. "You're not going anywhere abuela, I have this strong feeling that you're somehow immortal."

Abuela shrugs and manages to ease May into her arms from Valeria who gives into her mother's protests. "Okay, but I still want to hold my little tesero." She hugs the bundle close to her chest and pushes the blanket a little so she can see her face more clearly. "Oh isn't she just precious, bless, she actually is all Lucas."

I raise an eyebrow at Isabella. "Hence why she should be called Lucasina. She's my little twin."

Izzy elbows me in the rib. "No. I carried her for 9 months. I pushed her out of my vagina, her name is May! I've had that baby name collected in my mind since I was 15!"

I grin at the irked expression on my wife's face. "Alright, alright, I'm only kidding baby." I wrap my arm around her shoulder and press a kiss to her temple. "Why don't we all move into the living room?"

Abuela walks with slow, careful steps as she talks to the baby in ridiculous baby talk meaning it takes 5 years to get to the living room where we find Sofia already lounged across the couch texting on her phone, a huge grin playing on her lips.

Abuela takes a seat beside her, still holding May and nudges her with her elbow. "Hey, you texting what's his name again, Danny?"

Sofia makes a face. "His name is Aaron, abuela."

Abuela waves her hand dismissively. "Whatever, same thing. What are you guys talking about now? Nothing inappropriate I hope."

Sofia's cheeks bloom an embarrassed pink. "Abuela," she hisses, giving her mom the side eye across the room where she's pouring drinks, "why do you always say stuff like that! Mom's gonna get the wrong idea then confiscate my phone."

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