The First Day

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I either got glares or people ignored me. So I slipped out from the crowd around the car before anyone could talk to me. I walked in the doors and I got stares. Not the usual stares that a new person would get, it was gawking and glaring. I heard a few girls growling at the boys as I walked briskly towards the front office.

When I walked in the secretary looked up from her desk and I breathed in. Werewolf. If my contacts are correct, the school should be about 90 percent werewolf, including students, faculty, and staff.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She smiled at me.

I smiled, acting like a shy little girl who was lost.

"Um, my name is Rose Samson, I'm new," I replied.

"Oh! Yes!" She whirled around in her chair and grabbed a piece of paper. She turned back around and handed it to me. Suddenly I felt as if I had to get out of there. I took the paper and turned around.

Jack. He looked directly at me and started to walk towards me. I so badly wanted to punch that smirk off his face. I walked towards the door.

"Jack!" said the secretary saving his ass from me beating the fuck out of him. His gaze moved from me to the secretary. He walked past me and towards the desk. I walked out the doors and looked at the paper. Leaving Jack and his smug ass behind.

I saw my locker number and found it. But someone was there waiting for me. She was pretty, but my wolf hated her. My instincts told me to kill her as soon as possible.

"Hey," she said in a "couldn't give a shit" tone. I ignored her and began to open my locker.

"So, I saw you with Jack," she tried to get my attention.

"Lets get on thing straight, you may be hot, but I'm top dog," she had a smug smirk on her face.

I put a few books in my locker and slammed it shut. She gasped. Now i was annoyed and my wolf really wanted to break her neck. She was a werewolf who thought she could threaten me into submission, but this little child was dealing with an Alpha.

I walked away. She growled at me and stomped away. I will enjoy ripping her arms from her body.

A few hours later and it was lunch. I still haven't seen Jack or that bitch at my locker. I sat at a table alone and pulled out an apple from my bag. My mind turned its thoughts to the amount of werewolves were here. There was one pack and a few other neighboring packs. Nothing I couldn't handle. I sighed to myself and listened to the conversations around me.

"Dude, look its the hot new chick, should we go sit with her? She looks easy," I heard a guy say and a few laughed. Then suddenly a bunch of guys sat down around me.

"Hey," smiled a werewolf. He was tall, lean, and had blonde hair that framed his cheekbones perfectly.

"Hello," I replied forcing a blush.
"My name is Derek, what's yours?" He asked me.

"My name is Rose," I smiled.

"Well, Rose, you know your a big deal, we don't get new students often," he smiled at me.

I wanted to rip his smile off. But I didn't.

"Oh...well, thanks?" I wasn't sure how to respond.

He leaned in closer, "Wanna hang out sometime, I bet a city girl like you knows how to have fun." He smirked.

The fake smile on my lips fell and I really would enjoy pounding this one. My list continued to build up. I got up and walked away, leaving him and his little group behind. I heard him growl as his friends laughed and yelled at him "REJECTED!"

Finally the day ended and I went to my locker, and who should be standing there, but no other that Jack. Yay.

He didn't even look at me when I got to my locker, "You never said thank-you for the ride."

I ignored him.

He growled lowly at me. I felt myself smirk inwardly.

"I can drive you home, if you want," he offered.

Still I ignored him. He slammed my locker shut barely missing my fingers. I felt my eyes narrow.

"Stop ignoring me," he hissed.

I looked him in the eyes, "Sorry," i apologized making myself look apologetic, "I-i'm not good at making friends...."

I lifted a hand to my mouth and forced tears to come to my eyes and i turned and ran away. Most of the people were gone by now.

Play with his emotions was fun. I thankfully had everything i needed in my bag and I sprinted all the way home. It was about a 8 mile run. I went through the woods avoiding any roads, and I was careful not to go to fast. I did love to run. So running 8 miles was easy for me.

When I got home, Jack was there waiting for me. I tried to stealthily walk around him, he was sitting on the hood of his car. He looked up and saw me.

"Rose...are you okay?" Jack asked me.

"Fine..." I whispered.

"Did you run all the way here?" His voice was surprised.

"Yea," I walked up the stairs to my house and opened the door.

"Rose, I'm sorry," he said.

"It's fine," I mumbled.

He felt like he was sorry, I wanted to laugh.

"Just, leave me alone," I walked in and slammed the door shut. Get the fucking message. I'm not into you!

I heard him sigh and get in his car and drive away.

I breathed in, he would probably be here tomorrow. Alphas were usually stubborn, me included.

Mind as well get ready for tonight. I stripped off my clothes and changed into a tighter clothes, a black tight shirt and a black skinny jeans. I grabbed my black combat boots and quickly put them on as I check my phone.

It read:

Next county over- rave- old metal work factory- werewolf pack there- 3552 ASLER LANE -

I guess I should change my features. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I held on the sink, every time I forced my features to change pain erupted through my bones. This was what I was afraid that the pack would use against me. I could change me hair color, eye color, and facial structure. It felt like someone was crushing me.

It burned with pressure. I raised my cheek bones bones to make me look about 21, changed my eyes to a dark green and my hair to a auburn red. Not bad, but I liked my actual face better. I had five different faces, but my actual face was Rose.

I actually have dark brown eyes, with long brown hair that had natural red streaks and cheek bones that stood out, but not too much.

I could only change my facial structure not my body structure. I have heard of very rare werewolves with my ability and even few who could preform a full body structural change. I accidentally found this skill when I was 7. And I tried to hide it ever since, and thats why I ran away. Mary was not who i thought she was...she was manipulative and cruel. So i ran.

No! Don't think about the past! Focus. Jen sent you the info. Now find that pack! I breathed in and nodded to myself.

"Finally some fun," i thought. I went to my garage and put my helmet on. I need to get my mind off of today. I threw a leg over my black motorcycle. This baby was my pride and joy. I paid a lot of money for her and she was worth it. One of the fastest speed bikes on the market. I loved things that went fast. I rolled my shoulders back, by the time I got to the next county the scent potion should have worn off. And I will finally be shown some respect.

I started the engine and drove out of the garage. Tonight was mine.

^-^ so, i hope your enjoying it! Please vote and comment!
If there is an error in the plot, please tell me so i can fix it. And as always:


*maniacal laughter*

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