chapter 20

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[this is not edited!!! I really wanted to get this chapter out since I'm really busy the whole day so I'm sorry if there are many errors!]

About three hours, fifty-seven minutes, and twelve seconds later, my best friend and I return from a shopping trip that may or may not have made me want to dive into an ocean of sharks. Literally.

I've never been a fan of shopping much. I'm not sure why. Maybe because it tires me out and I just can't spend so long physically going through a shop and looking for clothes. I prefer online shopping, but Kie here was very adamant about making me try not less than about twenty dresses.

I will admit my dress is beautiful and I can't wait to wear it, but then I also remember I would be undercover and would have to look after little, Tatum Black. Maybe give him a treat or two if he behaves for the whole while.

The rest of the day goes into finalizing our plan as well as discussing how Kie would cover up for me. Either she just says it's a simple lead that only I am going to check out or she keeps them completely under the covers. Although the former definitely is the more sane, logical option.

As for the team, well they haven't really picked up on Tatum. I hate that I'm lying to them. As the agent leading the case and that we've been one group for years has made us stronger than most teams. We're more than just colleagues, we're friends. This is why it makes me feel ten times more guilty.

I've tried to erase any traces of Tatum from the database and from Woods' eyes these past few weeks, just until we know for sure who has framed him and why. It's bizarre to think I'm working with him but on the flip side, it also feels like I'm doing the most right thing I've done since Brandon's death.

Jackson and Watson are pretty much in the dark too, probably beating themselves up since we technically can't find any leads. Technically.

The next morning, it's the start of a new week and time for work. Kie and I both get ready, put our best, oh we're totally not working with the suspect in secret face on, and head to the office.

I texted my dad about the ball on the way and he literally blew up my phone with a thousand notifications when he came to be aware of the fact that I'm going with Tatum; alone. However, I covered it up saying it's part of the job yada yada this and that. He still isn't convinced, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Kiara and I pretty much head to our office, being in the clear, and just when we're about to sit down at our desks in relief, SSA Miller stalks towards us, looking rather worked up. Oh and pissed, very pissed.

"Oh fuck," Kie mutters as he comes closer and closer.

"Agents," he nods and greets us, while Kie and I stand with our hands clasped behind us. My spine is as straight as a steel rod and my shoulders feel tense and rigid. His expression screams anger and irritation and I'm not sure why.

"My office. Now," is all he says before he turns his back on us and walks to his office.

"Oh god, at least don't let me die before I come out to my parents," Kie half pleads and half-jokes and I really don't know how to respond to her remark.

Kiara's parents are, you could say very rigid. Kiara keeps thinking her parents will probably disown her if she tells them, but I keep telling her they won't. I've spent more than enough time with them to know they would respect and love their daughter no matter what her sexuality may be. I'm not sure she's ready yet and whenever she is, I'll be right there with her.

"I assure you we will come out of his office alive," I snicker and start walking with her.

As we get closer and closer to his office, I calm myself first. I have no clue what to expect and I wouldn't be lying if I said I was quaking in my boots as well.

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