chapter 34

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"Hi, Honey."

I stare right into the eyes of the woman that birthed me. That brought me into this world; cared for me until I could walk and talk. The very same woman that left me. My family.

Nothing but anger and betrayal flash across my eyes as I look at her at this very moment. Why is she here? Did she see me in the woods? Is this where she pleads for forgiveness or asks me for money?

"W-what are you doing here?" I puzzle and she has the fucking audacity to give me a soft, warming smile.

Or so she thought it was. To me? To me it was nothing but seethed, bitter, and cold. She takes a step forward and I immediately take one back. She's the snake and I'm the prey.

"I've come to see my daughter."

Don't lose it. Don't lose it. You're okay. Think about Brandon. Think about Dad.

"And what is it you want from your dau..." Fuck, it even hurts to say the words as I clear my throat and speak up again, "Daughter?"

"Can we go somewhere else? Your apartment perhaps?" she gestures towards my apartment and I wonder how she knew where I lived.


I'm fucking sure of it. I need to be careful with my words and actions. If I take her into my apartment, she'll meet Kiara. That's one step closer to whatever it is Miller has planned and that's an absolute no.

"No. I don't welcome strangers into my home. Anywhere else?" My voice is stern and firm as the words easily escape my mouth.

Hell, perhaps?

"Oh, I see," A pained expression flashes across her face and I control myself from laughing at it, "Well, let's just take a walk then, shall we?"

A walk into a ditch where I plummet to the depth of my existence in your presence? Yes, please.

Wiping my eyes, I square my shoulders and straighten my spine, putting on my best fake grin, "Why not? Lead the way, mother."

I follow her into the elevator, resisting the urge to crawl out of this little cage. She stays silent as the elevator moves and just as the doors open, I shoulder past her and into a place where I can finally breathe.

"I saw a cute little cafe as I was walking," she pipes up in an annoying, shrill voice and I try not to claw my ears off, "How about we grab a coffee, Will?"


I don't know what happens in my head but if I were going to compare it to something it would be as if a fuse just went off in there.

"A coffee? Really, why?" My voice grows deeper and courser as I start to see no meaning behind this little visit.

She adjusts her sunglasses, taking them off her hair and perching them on her head, "I thought we could spend some time together."

Son of a—

A hysterical laugh escapes my mouth, "Bull fucking shit. For the first time in seventeen years? Now, why don't you tell me why you're really here?"

The expression on her face doesn't change at all. She still remains calm and plasters that conniving smile—more like snare—on her face.

"Must you be so crass, Willow? Do I need to have a reason? I just wanted to spend some time with my—"

"What? Daughter? Is that what I am to you?" I scoff and walk towards her, lowering my voice so that we don't grab attention, "You lost the right to call me that the minute you walked out the door. Now, listen and listen well, mother. Unless you're here for something serious, it better come out of your mouth in the next ten seconds or mark my fucking words I will drag you far, far away from anything that has a connection to me and will make sure you never return."

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