chapter 36

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Tomorrow's the day I go back to work. I'm not sure how to feel now that I'm off the case. I can't get that out of my head and it's starting to make me anxious. I'm still at Tatum's apartment, contemplating whether or not to go back home. Kiara's still giving me the cold shoulder so I'm respecting that and trying to give her time and space. We're stronger than this, I know we are. No matter what happens, we're going to get through it.

I glance at the clock on the nightstand beside me which reads quarter to eleven in the morning. We did some more digging on Miller last night and learned that he's the founder and CEO of the Phoenix Convention Centre. The fact that a highly decorated, well earning, supervisory agent owns a convention centre can't be a coincidence.

I don't even know where Tatum is right now. I woke up about an hour ago and he was gone then too. Just as I'm thinking about him, I hear the main door shut and the comforting smell of caffeine runs up my nostrils. Of course, he's here with coffee.

As expected, a mere ten seconds later he walks into his room with a tray of coffee and a soft smile plastered across his face.

He stalls at the foot of the bed and just stares at me. I tilt my head in confusion, wondering why when he shakes his head as if he was stuck in a trance. The tall man walks to stand beside me and hands me my usual.

"Thanks," I say as my hand reaches out to grab the coffee. Our fingers brush as he passes the cup to me and a shiver runs through me as if I've been electrocuted. That never used to happen. Yes, his touch seemed to ignite—spark something within me but that was only when he ever touched me whenever we...well fucked.

I retreat my hand along with the cup quickly and try to cover the flush rising up my neck  as I take a sip of my latte. Damn it, he even got my coffee order exactly how I like it.

Gladly yet unfortunately, the anxiety and nervousness for tomorrow seems to take over my thoughts about Tatum.

What if Kiara decides she doesn't want to be partners with me anymore and she files for a new one? No...she wouldn't do that would she? She knows how much our friendship and partnership means to me—means to us.


"Will, you listening?"

Tatum's voice jerks me out of my impending thoughts and I slightly jump in place. I look down and watch my hands start to tremble. My vision starts to get blurry and I shut my eyes for a moment.

"Sorry. I'm sorry, what did you say?"

My words feel jumbled coming out of my mouth and I see white spots when I open my eyes. Tatum seems to sense my panic and turns so that he's facing me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks, facing me and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I may not be a gentleman but I know a woman is never fine when she says she's just fine. So I call bullshit," he arches a brow at my apparent terrible attempt at lying, "Again."

There is just no convincing with this man. I sigh, deeply, my body further sinking into the cushiony bed.

"I'm just nervous about tomorrow," I admit, "Usually, I know what to expect, what to do. But recently everything is just showing up without warning and I hate it."

"What do you think is going to happen tomorrow?" Tatum prods and my mind starts racing again, "Talking about it helps, you know."

Does it really? The more I think about it, the more anxious I get. Talking about it and hearing the words out loud would only make them seem more real; more concrete. I shake my head and turn to get out of bed.

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