Getting the essentials.

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Harry and Zayn had been in the car for about twenty minutes. It was half past eight and none of the three boys had yet to be seen. Harry was In the drivers side as Zayn sat beside in  passengers, he was fiddling with the radio.

"Here's Niall" Harry said as Niall walked out the doors of the school. He made his way over to the car.

"Sorry I'm late, oh the twins aren't here anyway" he said as he got in the back seat.

"Don't worry mate" Zayn said finally finding the right station. They waited ten more minutes before the twins appeared at the door. Liam was wide awake and looked like he was dragging Louis along. He flung the door open and threw Louis into the middle seat.

"Sorry he wouldn't get up" Liam stated pointing his finger in Louis face.

"It's ok" Harry said.

"Where we going anyway?" Liam said shaking Louis so he would wake up a little. Harry looked at Zayn.

"Um we are just going to get some summer clothes for you boys, the weather is about to change" Zayn lied. It was currently raining and he didn't know if the boys would fall for it.

"Fair enough" Niall said. Ok maybe they will fall for it. Harry drove the five boys to the carpark. he got out and got the ticket, when he returned they Louis had woken up a bit. He left the note on the dashboard and they all climbed out. Harry took Louis and Niall whilst Zayn took Liam to a different shop. The three arrived at JD and Louis looked around straight away. Their arms were filled with bags as they went to meet Liam and Zayn for lunch. Harry and Zayn didn't need to get any clothes as they were sorted back at the house.

Louis brought seven pairs of shorts from brands like Adidas, Champion, Nike and Tommy Hilfiger. Whereas Liam went for some Gucci and Versace. Niall opted for the same clothes as Louis.

"All done?" Harry asked them as they arrived at Nando's.

"Yep, got everything" Liam replied and smiled. Harry didn't know how they didn't work out what was going on yet. They headed in the restaurant and followed the waiter to their table. The three boys sat on one side of the booth with Harry and Zayn on the other side.

"What we all having?" Zayn asked, putting down the menu.

"Chicken wrap please" Liam and Louis both replied. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Chicken wrap for me as well please" Niall said and the waiter returned.

"What drinks can I get you?" He asked. His hair was dark and slicked back over his head.

"5 Cokes please" Harry stated. He wrote it down on his little pad of paper before looking back up.

"And for food?"

"3 chicken wraps, one chicken pita and a burger please" Zayn stated. They had been friends for so long that they knew each others orders.

"Will be with your right away" The waiter said before leaving.

"so boys you excited to watch the game?" Zayn asked and Louis and Liam looked up.

"Wait your actually going to take us?" Liam asked. He thought they were just saying it.

"Of course we will" Zayn laughed. HE took out another ticket from his pocket and handed it to Niall. Niall's eyes lit up.

"Thank you so much!" Louis exclaimed as the waiter put the drinks down in front for them before walking off.

"And another thing, we want you all to focus on the song so you will take off Monday until Wednesday from lessons" They didn't want to spoil the surprise yet.

"Ah sweet" Liam answered fist bumping the other two. They finished up their meal and Zayn and Harry dropped the boys back off. They went back into the town to get any other things they need.

"I just want to tell them Z" Harry said as they got out of the car. They walked to the nearest boots.

"I know H, what the hell do we have to buy?" Zayn asked, they had never brought anything like this before as Paul normally did it for them. They went over to the deodorants first and picked up five cans of Lynx Africa and chucked them into the basket.

"Toothpaste and toothbrushes, we have shampoo already" Harry stated. He had a bit more sense with things like this than Zayn. Yes it was only buying some toiletries but to them it was a treacherous task. They picked up a pack of three brushes that each came with a toothpaste.

"This will be good, if we need anything else we can get it whilst we are out there" He said and Zayn nodded. They went back to the car and hid the bags in the boot. when they pulled up to the school they headed straight to the studio. They had booked the studio out for the rest of the week so they could get some practice. They slumped down on the seats and began to take out a pad of paper. They had started to write the first song and had heard the boys sing it. They decided that would be their first single that would get the fans attention before releasing the album.

"H, do you reckon we could actually pull this off?" Zayn asked him.

"Of course we can, those boys are so talented and they can easily sing this song" Harry replied looking up. He enjoyed writing the songs but Zayn didn't. Zayn took out his phone and scrolled through his twitter whilst Harry pieced together some lyrics.

When the song was finished Harry looked over to Zayn. He was asleep with his phone balanced on his chest. Harry threw the book onto his stomach and he shot up like a rocket.

"Harry you idiot" He said throwing him back at it. He laughed and took it out of Harry's hand and began to read it.

"How do you write this shit" He said and Harry grabbed back the book.

"Patience Z, patience" He said before leaving the room and making his way back to his room.

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