The first release.

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The day had finally come to when they were going to release their first song. They had been excited these last few days leading up to the release and their twitter follows had sky rocketed up since their interview on the Late Late Show with James. All that they had to do was tweet today and the song would be released at 6pm tonight. But first Paul had the task of getting them all up accompanied with Preston. They chose to get Liam first.

They walked into his room and to their surprise he was sat up. Well he was rested up on his elbows and was yawing. Paul headed over to him as he rubbed his eyes.

"C'mon mate, start getting ready now" He said and Liam nodded, before letting out another yawn.

"Yeah will do" he said giving a small salute and letting out a little laugh. They then headed over to Niall and opened the door. He was still sound asleep and looked very comfortable. Preston went over and stirred the 15 year old. Niall grunted before opening his eyes. His bright eyes Shon at Paul as he threw his back down onto the pillow.

"Come on Niall, downstairs in 10 minutes for breakfast please" Paul laughed. He smacked the light on, on the way out so Niall couldn't go back to sleep and went over into the next room. Harry's room was empty and they realised he had probably been out on a run this morning. So he moved onto Zayn. Zayn was the worst person in the mornings and they knew between him and Louis this was going to be hard. Paul took a deep breathe as he opened the door and saw Zayn still asleep, Preston went to Louis room to get a head start on waking him up.

"Zayn come on lad" He said as he sat down on the bed next to him. Zayn pulled the covers up so they covered his face and Paul laughed. He stood up to get Zayn out some clothes whilst Zayn tried to get himself ready. Yes he was picking clothes out for a nineteen year old, but he would rather just do it himself rather than an argument. Zayn pulled himself out of the bed and got dressed as Paul made his way down the stairs. He was greeted by Harry, Liam and Niall sat at the table ready.

"Morning Paul" Harry stated and Paul sat down next to him. Zayn soon entered the room looking a bit more alive than Paul had left him. They were just waiting on Preston and Louis. Preston entered with Louis in his arms like a baby. He sat them down on the chair and everyone looked at him. He was still waking up as the butler brought out a set of pancakes in front of each of them. They all dug in and just ignored Louis who was still half asleep. Liam had warned the others to just let him wake up on his own.

Breakfast ended and Paul was ready to go through the day with them all.

"So boys, today you will all need to tweet about the song but not about the band name. The media don't know the name and Modest want it to be revealed on the album" He said and all the boys nodded before taking out their phones.

LiamTomlinson - keep your eyes open for a new song today!

LouisTomlinson - May have a surprise for you all today :)

ZaynMalik - First song is out today!

HarryStyles - So proud to announce out new song today, 6pm

NiallHoran - New song today!

Once they were finished they thanked the chef. There plan was to chill today and go live a few hours after the song is released on Instagram. Liam and Louis went into the living room and turned on the TV. Louis had woken up a bit and Liam wanted to speak to him.

"Louis can I ask you something?" He asked him.

"Yeah of course anything" Louis replied, worried about what his brother was going to say.

"Do you think we are doing the right thing?" He said. Louis knew Liam over thinked things and didn't want him to have any doubts.

"Bro, we are in a band with three other boys who are just like us. They are planning on a world tour for us to go on. I think we have made the best decision. What makes you ask?" Liam put his head down.

"Just don't want to let anyone down, we have never had anyone to be proud of us" Liam said. He was right.

"It doesn't matter if we have one fan or a million fans. I will always be proud of you" Louis stated and gave Liam a fist bump. Both of them felt very emotional after that and flicked on Netflix, Niall came in and sat down on the other sofa joining them in watching the Tv.

The day passed and the time had finally come for the big news. They were all in the living room waiting for the clock to go 6. The music stations were all releasing at the same time and all they had to do was wait. They had had millions of likes and replies on their tweets from the morning and were confident the fans were gonna like it. The clock changed and all the boys looked at each other with a smile.

"Now we wait" Harry said. It was a torturous minute or so before their phones started going off with tweets.

One Direction! That is such a good name for such a good song! One fan said.

These guys are gonna be big!

Amazing song boys :)

Within ten minutes the boys had read lots of the comments. Majority of them were positive with some negative being drowned out by the positives. They couldn't help but smile, hug, laugh and cry with each other. They settled down before getting a call from their management, Liam put them on loud speaker.

Excellent song boys, you should be very proud. Enjoy some time off and make the most of it, tour will be announced soon.

The voice on the other side of the phone said before hanging up. It was June 15th and they had until New Year's Day to get the album ready, they had lots of the songs wrote and they just had to be recorded with Julian in the next coming weeks. They also had to play Simon the album so he could approve or disapprove. But for now they didn't have much to worry about.

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