The late late show

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The boys had their first lie in in weeks and made the most of it. They would wake up but force themselves back to sleep. It was Niall who was awake first to the beaming light sprouting through the curtains. He didn't know what they were doing today so didn't know what to wear but he got up anyway. He decided to make the bed a little before he wondered over to the bathroom. He slipped in the shower and let the warm water run over his body before he washed his hair and got out. He brushed his teeth and styled his hair before returning to his room and wondered over to his suitcase.

He looked down on his phone and saw he had a message from Harry.

Meet in the restaurant at 2 for lunch.

Niall opened up his case and picked out some clothes. He went for some black jeans and a white t-shirt he decided to put a light jean jacket over the top and checked him self over in the mirror.

In the room next door Louis had just stepped out of the shower, he had received the same message from harry and was ademant that he was going ot be on time. He threw on some black ripped jeans with a long sleeved tshirt. He styled his hair in a messy quiff and thought he looked perfect.

Liam was just about to leave the room completely ready. He had been up for ages and had put on a pair of black jeans. It was a reoccuring theme that they all liked a good pair of black jeans. He wore a grey top with a checked open shirt on top. Of course his hair was perfect on his head as he stepped into the lift and went down to the resturarnt. It was empty and he spotted Harry and Zayn on an empty table. He pulled out a chair and took a seat.

"Good afternoon" He said with a smile.

"Morning Liam, have you heard from the others?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I spoke to Louis this morning, not sure on Niall though" He replied. He had messaged Louis to make sure he was awake.

"Oh I'm sure they will be here soon" Zayn said. Just as he finished both boys strolled in talking and laughing about something. The waiter soon followed.

"Can I get you any drinks?" He asked. Before at Nando's Zayn had answered for them but today they chose to answer themselves.

"A apple juice please" Niall said

"A fanta for me please" Liam said.

"I'll have a fanta also please lad" Louis answered scolding at Liam.

"2 cokes please" Zayn answered for himself and Harry. The waiter smiled and left the boys to their discussion.

"So today we have been invited onto James Corden's late late show, he is a friend of ours already and is very excited to see you" Harry stated. The boys were shocked, they had all seen the show that they had now been invited on. "The show starts at 8 but we have to arrive at three to get everything sorted, so after drinks we need to leave" The waiter returned with the drinks balanced on his hands and placed them down on the table. They continued to talk before it was time to leave. They got in the same car and was driven to the CBS studio where the show was filmed. They followed security in and was taken to a room. The room had a sofa and a mini fridge with many bottles of water.

"James will be with you soon" The guard said before leaving them alone. They all sat down and waited for James to arrive. Before long the door was open once again and James walked in. He was in a suit ready for the show and had the biggest smile on his face.

"Harold, Zayn!" He shouted before diving into their arms. He looked down on the others who then stood up. "Hello!" He shouted before hugging them as well. James was mates with anyone and everyone and knew he would get along with the boys. He ushered them to sit down and he asked them to introduce themselves. When they did he started to ask his questions.

"So which one of you is older?" He asked signalling over to the twins.

"I am by two minutes" Liam laughed and Louis rolled his eyes.

"He doesn't let them two minutes go" Louis replied and everyone laughed. James then turned to Niall.

"So as we can tell young Niall you are not from the UK, where abouts are you from?" He asked and Niall blushed. Niall was proud to be from Ireland and didn't care who knew it.

"Mullingar in Ireland" He said with confidence. The conversations went back and fourth before they James was called to open the show. A man came in with a white shirt and earpiece.

"Not many rules boys, just don't swear" He said before taking out five mic packs. He hooked them all up so they were ready and took them up to the set. They heard James announce them.

"Please welcome my five new guests, Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis" Yes he announced it in age order. They walked on and sat on the blue couch in front of him.

"So many of you will know the songs, Golden and Dusk till dawn, well this is Zayn Malik and Harry Styles" Everyone cheered but looked at the other three confused. "And the rest of their new band" Everyone clapped and the boys blushed. James took out his cards and the interview started.

"Liam tell everyone about yourself" Liam got nervous before answered.

"Hello I am Liam and Louis over hear is my twin" he said ruffling Louis hair "We joined the band not too long ago and are really excited to be hear" Louis nodded as well as Niall.

"Very nice of you too say, Zayn please tell us how the band was formed" Zayn looked at the others letting out a small smile before he started

"We first met Liam and Louis and knew straight away they were talented, we were in the studio working with them when Niall came in to practice, I asked him to sing for us and he was amazing" He laughed "Then we ended up hear" James and the audience laughed. The interview went on and they were all laughing and joking around when they became more comfortable. They finished and James said.

"The boys will now perform their first single 'Little Things'" Louis, Liam and Niall looked at each other. They had practiced the song a lot but didn't know if they could pull this off. Harry and Zayn stood up and walked over to the five microphones further down the set. They all took a stance in front of them.

The song went very well and the audience gave them a standing applause. They couldn't help but smile as they went into their back room. They embraced in a group hug and couldn't stop laughing about what they had just done. Louis was the first to pick up his phone to see his twitter was blowing up with positivity.

"Shit check your phones" he told the others who picked up their phones. Their phones were bombarded with tweets as well and they couldn't help but embrace into another hug. They had fans from one interview.

"This can only go in one direction" Harry said.

"That should be the name of the band!" Niall shouted "One direction!" And the others nodded, They wanted the name to mean something and they knew this was perfect. On the way back the street was busy, it was 1am but the streets of LA were crawling with people.

"Oh yeah lads by the way we have a recording of little things tomorrow" Harry blurted out. They needed to get the song released whilst they were relevant and had to do it quick. They nodded in agreement as they pulled into the hotel car park. They were meant to be in the house today but the interview went on for so long that they wanted to wait until tomorrow to see it. It was an early wake up call as they had to get up at 6 so they went straight to bed when they go back.

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