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The blood that dripped off my skin felt nice, it sent chills down my spine. The lifeless eyes of Blair Vuuchino stared back at me, something I had learned not to be phased by. I dropped the knife out my hand, the medal hitting the ground knocked me out of my trance. I had killed over 400 people but I was never mentally aware of the murder I had always ended up blacking out at some point, I never remember any detail of it. I had contemplated multiple times to start recording the process, but that would lead to unnecessary evidence and I couldn't afford that. But I wanted to know, I wanted to see that look in Blair's eyes when he took that last breath, I wanted to know if he pleaded for his worthless life. I walked out the dungeon cellar, leaving the body to rot until one of my men came to scatter the pieces of it somewhere. My body was beyond tense as I walked across my property to my main home. The gorgeous mansion that covered majority of my property was practically empty since I was the only one that resided in it. When you live this type of life you get use to the loneliness, my parents had died when I turned 19 And I was an only child so my life was the epitome of lonely.

As I walked through the door I was hit with the smell of lavender and pine, the cleaning lady always knew those where my favorite scents. I quickly made my way though the house to my master bathroom stripping out of my blood stained clothes and running hot water into the white porcelain tub that sat in the middle of the bathroom. I slowly lowered my body into the hot scorching water and I could feel the muscles in my body unknot. I closed my eyes and let my mind empty and soon enough I was sleep.


"Bai come on just 5 more minutes." I looked down at the boy who refused to move out of our bed. His brown skin glowing against the white sheets as the sun came shining in through the window.

"Shai, I only have an hour before my meeting and I wanted to have breakfast with my husband." He rolled over onto his back and opened those gorgeous hazel eyes, the ones that could read through my entire soul. The smile that curled onto his lips sent a spark to my heart.

"MM 'husband' I'm still not use to that." His eyes sparkled as he spoke. "I really tamed a beast." I chuckled as I lowered my body over his and pressed our lips together, the familiar sparks that I had felt for over two years now, were still there with every touch. I ran my fingers tips over his hips, up his sides, over his shoulders. I was in love with his body, everything bump, dip, and mark.

"Mmm, Baiinee, Syklar will come busting into this room any second you better get up."

"Come on just 5 more minutes." I mocked his earlier tone and he laughed under my lips. I pecked him once more before the bedroom door came flying open and in ran a monster I loved more than myself.

"Daddy! Papa! Morning time!" I lifted my body off of Shai's and turned to our son, who was a split image of his daddy. His caramel skin, those beautiful eyes that were hazel but they had a more darker tinge thanks to my dark brown ones, and those black curls that fell every which way on his head, the color came from me but the texture from his daddy. This was my beautiful family, the one I created.


I jumped up out of my sleep and looked around the room as I tried to regain my surroundings. I was still in the tub, the cool water freezing my body. I stepped out and wrapped on of the big fluffy white towels around my waist.


My body shuddered as the name sounded through my head. What was that? A dream? A vision? It seemed so real I could practically feel the smooth skin of the younger male whose body laid under mine. Those eyes. I could feel his lips on mine. I reached my fingertips up to my lips and lightly touched them.


My child. My son. A split image of the one I called Shai. My husband. A split image, yes, but I could I could see my features there too. How? A pain shoot though me. I was lonely at the moment and I craved for that dream. To hold the younger male and caress his body while he lay under me. I sighed heavily as I walked into my bedroom and quickly dressed to go to sleep. My mind was now exhausted as I was thinking of things that weren't real, but felt real. I laid in the bed and turned my head to the empty side, an image of shai flashed before my eyes, his body laid next to mine, but his back turned towards me. I gasped and shock my head quickly trying to get the image to get out my mind. Baine relax. I chanted inside my mind as I let my body relax. I had to sleep I had an important few days to come as I had to meet with a young business man that was running his own community a few towns away.  I let sleep over take me as more dreams of Shai and Skylar played in my mind, soon one played with an addition of another person, Blaine, the dream scared me as the child appeared and she looked like a girl version of me. This was beyond strange.

Yay! Finally chapter 2 is up! I hope you guys liked it!

-Ash 😍🥰

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