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My dreams over the past two days were filled with the faceless dark haired man. I was confused, but I knew he was my mate, the feeling that I got within my body told me it was so. I quickly put on my clothes and headed out the door since the alpha had asked me to greet the guest once he arrived. I made sure to spend extra time to get my hair to lay right, I spent the whole night doing two strand twist so my curls would just fall right. I had laid my outfit out the night before and I made sure to even iron it. I didn't know why I was putting so much prep into greeting a pack guest, something I had did numerous times, but here I was standing outside the pack house fidgeting with my shirt.

A car soon pulled up, windows tinted, the driver was a short bald man who had an all black suit on that looked quite expensive. He walked around the car and opened the door for the nameless man, I didn't know why the Alpha refused to tell me his name, but I would soon find it out. A large body came gliding effortlessly out of the car, his frame started walking towards me. My eyes scanned the large 6'3 figure, the wide broad body, you could tell his body was muscular just by how his suit was cut. His face. Oh Goddess his face was something you see in a Vogue Italia magazine. He eyes were penetrating mine, the dark brown specks swirled with curiosity, his jet black hair that was all to familiar was styled effortlessly. And his scent was over flowing my senses I couldn't smell anything besides him. He smelled like mahogany teakwood, along with a burning fire in the woods, he smelled like heaven. Mate. My wolf howled inside my head, I had to take a few deep breaths as he came closer, it was taking everything within me to not mark him right here right now.

"Hello, I'm Baine Bianco, and who might you be?" He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I quickly grabbed it, "Shai, Shai Woodland." I could see the confusion that flashed across his face, as quickly as it came it went, and if I wasn't starring at him I would have missed it.

"Shai." He muttered quietly, but I still heard him, shivers running down my spine. I smile up at him as he slowly released my hand, his fingers brushing my palm, his finger tips running against mine.

 I smile up at him as he slowly released my hand, his fingers brushing my palm, his finger tips running against mine

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I cleared my throat and lowered my head as a unnoticeable blush creeped on my cheeks.

"Let me take you to Alpha Jordan." He nodded his head and I could have swore I seen the edges of his lips turn up like he wanted to smile. Did he know? Did he know what we were. Werewolves weren't a secret to humans, but A lot of humans steered clear of us. I knew that werewolf history was taught in schools, but I didn't know if he knew about mates, did he feel the sparks that erupted when his fingers touched mine?

I stopped in front of Alpha Jordan's office and turned my attention towards Baine as he stopped in front of me.

"Until we meet again Mr.Bianco."

"Baine." I looked in his eyes and cocked my eyebrow in curiosity.

"First name basis?"

He stepped closer to me as I took a step back my body hitting the wall besides the office door. "A first name you will get more than use to saying."

The way his eyes lingered on my lips told me everything I need to know, he was attracted to me, or so I hoped, maybe this was love at first sight.

"In more ways than one." He whispered in my ear causing my knee to go weak and I had to pray to the moon goddess that I didn't fall on my ass in front of this gorgeous man. When did he even get this close to my face?

"Now if you'll excuse me il mio amore, I have to meet with your Alpha." He spoke in the lowest tone, the Italian rolling off his tongue in the sexiest way.

I nodded as the blush that had been prominent on my skin since the moment I laid eyes on him crept down my neck. "Till next time Baine."

He smile a smile that almost reached the tips of his eye lids, "Next time Shai, il mio amore." He stepped around me and knocked on the Alpha's door and stepped inside after come in sounded from behind it. 

I finally breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed behind him, what the hell just happened. I just found my mate, and he was a big time Mafia king.


Okay yall, another chapter! Its kind of boring but next chapter we are going to get Baine's reaction!

-Ash 💜🥰

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